SAP 全球高级副总裁柯曼受邀在同济大学高等讲堂做精彩专题报告

2022-10-22 08:00 浏览量: 2263

10月18日晚,同济大学经济与管理学院邀请SAP 全球高级副总裁、SAP 全球研发网络总裁、同济大学兼职教授Clas Neumann(柯曼)做客同济大学高等讲堂。柯曼先生通过ZOOM线上会议平台举行了题为《乘风破浪—投身变革大潮,在新时代塑造新发展》的精彩专题报告。同济大学经济与管理学院副院长王洪伟教授主持讲座。本场全英文的学术报告吸引了近700名学生相约云端,反响热烈。

On the eveningof October 18th, Clas Neumann, Global Senior Vice President of SAP, Head of SAP Labs Network, and Adjunct Professor of Tongji University, was invited by the School of Economics and Management of Tongji University to attend Tongji University Advanced Lecture Hall. Clasdelivered an excellent lecture themed "Ride the Wave -- Be Part of the theChange" via ZOOM online conference platform. Prof. Hongwei Wang, theVice Dean of School of Economics and Management of Tongji University, chaired the event. The lecture delivered in English attracted nearly 700 students to meet online and caused heated discussion among students.

同济大学经管学院副院长王洪伟教授讲座致欢迎辞Prof. Hongwei Wang, the Vice Dean ofTJSEM chaired the event

Clas Neumann(柯曼),SAP 全球高级副总裁、SAP 全球研发网络总裁,同济大学兼职教授。柯曼先生担任SAP全球研发网络总裁,负责在中国、中东及印度等快速增长市场中利用投资业务及跨组织的战略全力发展SAP业务。在柯曼先生的领导下,SAP全球研发网络的成长显著。柯曼先生在SAP拥有25年的工作经历,并在中国和印度工作超过18年,是SAP高级执行团队的一员。

Clas Neumann, Global Senior Vice President of SAP, Head of SAP Labs Network, and adjunct professor at Tongji University. As Head of SAP Labs Network, Mr. Neumann is responsible for growing SAP’s business in the fast-growing markets using investment and cross-organizational strategies. Under Mr. Neumann\'s leadership, SAP Labs Network has grown significantly. Mr. Neumann has 25 years of experience with SAP and over 18 years in China and India as a member of SAP\'s senior executive team.


The global pandemic has brought about significant changes in the world, while we are bound to face some new trends, challenges and opportunities, with Generation Z becoming the new driving force of development; what is their unique time brand mark? What is the response to the growing global problem of aging? How can the world develop further under the new multipolar situation with increasing regional tensions? How do we face the difficulties of transportation, education, and crime brought about by the increasing level of global urbanization? How can we leave a green planet for the next generation and accelerate sustainable development for humanity in the face of the growing global climate crisis and heat waves sweeping across the world? Clas believes that each of these challenges requires a sustained and concerted effort by all mankind, but there is no doubt that the accelerated progress of science and technology will help us to cope with the crisis.


This lecture provided a fascinating explanation of the significant trends of the times and the changes brought about by technology. Online education is flexible, convenient and resourceful; combined with AI, VR, AR and other technologies, it can help solve education problems to a considerable extent. Early cancer screening and wearable devices can greatly improve the life quality of of the aging population. And smart city solutions, combined with blockchain technology, can help humans keep a finger on the pulse of the city and mitigate the risks associated with urbanization. Fun-filled digital applications like Alipay Ant Forest can help scale up climate action. Recycling of resources can promote sustainability and make the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry sustainable from another perspective.

同济大学经管学院本硕博中心主任曹晓玲老师主持互动环节Director Cao from TJSEM hosted the Q&A session.


The lecture lasted for nearly 3 hours. Dozens of students actively asked questions in the interactive session. Clasimpressed every audience with his rigorous and innovative way of thinking. He not only led the students to sort out the major trends of The Times and the changes brought by technology, but also gave them the wisdom of SAP, an enterprise with social responsibility.


(本文转载自同济大学经济与管理学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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