Introduction to University life: Summer school for students on the autism spectr

2013-07-22 16:56 浏览量: 1457

Introduction to University life: Summer school for students on the autism spectrum

Supporting the transition from School to University for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

This summer, we will run our first ‘Introduction to University life: Summer school for students on the autism spectrum’ for those with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who are thinking of going to University.

The Summer School will be residential at the University campus, allowing students with ASD to experience all aspects of student life.

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?


This event recognises the potential difficulties around transition of students on the autism spectrum in dealing with novel experiences and offers students the opportunity to experience university life in a supportive environment.

We commend Dr Mark Brosnan and his colleagues for this thoughtful and very important practical initiative, which we hope to see in other universities.

— Richard Mills
Research Director of Research Autism


ASD is estimated to affect 1 in 88 people, representing about half a million people in the UK. The 1990s saw a surge in diagnoses of ASD in children who are now approaching University age. Difficulties in dealing with change and transition are central to ASD, therefore the transition from home to University is often overwhelming and many potential students with ASD are deterred from attending or drop out. The University of Bath ‘Introduction to University life: Summer school for students on the autism spectrum.’ aims to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with the transition and will help prepare the students for University life.

While there is much focus on the interpersonal difficulties of people with autism, those with a diagnosis can also demonstrate great strengths and abilities that lead them to do extremely well in some aspects at University. The University of Bath has a long tradition of excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (the STEM subjects) in addition to Humanities and the Social Sciences, and students with ASD can excel academically in these disciplines when their specific needs are supported. The ‘Introduction to University life: Summer school for students on the autism spectrum’ aims to equip students with ASD with the skills required to support their own learning at University. It is open to all potential students with ASD, whatever their chosen discipline.

About the Summer School

This residential Autism Summer School runs for three days and two nights - download the provisional timetable. We have space for 30 students with a diagnosis of ASD.

The Autism Summer School is free as we have been supported by Bath Alumni and Widening Participation.

Attend this event

Unfortunately we are full for 2013, so we are no longer accepting applications for the Summer School.

Getting here

You will need to make your way to the University of Bath campus. We recommend you download a copy of the campus map.

Most of the day will take place in 6 West (marked on map as number 11). Sleeping arrangements will be in Westwood (marked on map as number 20).

When you arrive please come to the 6 West building (go down the steps to the Psychology section, which is on the ground floor). Do not go up a ramp to the first floor of 6 West, which is the Accommodation Office (Psychology is clearly sign-posted).

This is the first time the Autism Summer School has run and we will be adding more information to this web page. We hope that this will become an annual event.

Further information

There is a Frequently Asked Questions guide to help you, and for more information please


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