
2014-12-10 10:47 浏览量: 2835


1.Microsoft insisted that Windows NT should be used on every type of computer, from notebook-size ___ ones to the huge ones that fill data centers.

A) portable B) mobile C) slight D) domestic

2.It was nearly Christmas, and the children were in high ___.

A) moods B) spirits C) tempers D) hearts

3.Scientists have discovered a close ___ between smoking and several serious diseases.

A) contact B) connection C) communication D) combination

4.We have enormous reserves of oil still waiting to be ___.

A) deposited B) disposed C) tackled D) tapped

5.He grew very angry when he realized how he had been ___ out of his money.

A) tricked B) plotted C) deceived D) robbed

6.The cars were___because it was impossible to go any further in the fog.

A) sacrificed B) transported C) abandoned D) removed

7.The president ___ the nation on the subject of war and peace.

A) remarked B) addressed C) debated D) commented

8.He ___me to take a lawyer to court with me.

A) advised B) suggested C) demanded D) insisted

9.The police ___ him of participation in the robbery.

A) distrusted B) questioned C) suspected D) doubted

10.The government is ___ to reassure everyone that the situation is under control.

A) worried B) anxious C) concerned D) desirable



译文:微软强调Windows NT应该适用于每一种类型的计算机,不管是手提电脑还是用于数据中心的巨型电脑。

解析:A) portable adj./n. 轻便的,手提式的,可移植的, 便携式电脑,活动房屋

eg. typewriter 手提打字机 test instrument 便携式测试仪器

B) mobile adj./n. 活动的,流动的,易变的,活动装置

eg. missile launcher 移动式导弹发射器 labour 流动劳动力

troops 快速部队 face 表情多变的脸 phone 手机

C) slight adj./vt. 纤细的,轻微的,少量的,轻视,藐视

eg. figure 瘦小的身材 framework 脆弱的骨架

cold 轻微的伤风 difference 微小的区别

D) domestic adj./n. 家庭的,国内的,本地的

eg. economy 家庭经济 appliances 家用器具

and foreign policies 国内外政策



解析:A) be in a good (bad) mood 情绪好(坏)

B) in high/great spirits 情绪高涨,兴高采烈

in poor/low spirits 情绪低落,意气消沉

C) be in a good (bad) temper 心情好(不好)

D) in heart 情绪高昂的



解析:A) contact n./vt./vi./adj./adv. 接触,联系,交往

eg. The pilot tried to make with his base. 飞行员设法与基地联系。

A physical 身体的接触

Come into with new ideas 接触新思想

B) connection n. 联结,连接,联系,关系,因果(或逻辑)关系

eg. His illness must have had some with his diet. 他的病想必同他的饮食有关。

C) communication n. 传达,交流,交往,沟通,通讯

eg. a lack of between old and young persons 老年人和青年人之间的缺乏沟通

The Ministry of Communications (中国)交通部

D) combination n. 结合(体),联合(体)

eg. in with 与……联合,与……结合,与……混合



解析:A) deposit vt./vi./n. 存放,储蓄,沉淀

eg. sth. with sb. 把某物寄放在某人处 money in a bank 把钱存在银行里

oil 油田,石油藏量 a savings 储蓄金

B) dispose vt./vi. 配置,布置,安排,使倾向于,使适应

eg. I am d to agree with you. 我倾向于你的观点。

these floppy disks within reach 把这些软盘安放在伸手可以取到的地方

C) tackle n./vt./vi. 用具,着手处理,对付,解决

eg. sb. on a subject 为某一问题与某人交涉

sb. about his frequent absences 为某人经常缺勤而找他谈话

D) tap vt./vi./n. 开发,发掘,水龙头

eg. the natural resources 开发自然资源

the production potential 发掘生产潜力

the Western technology 利用西方技术



解析:A) trick n./adj./vt./vi. 把戏,欺诈

trick out of 哄骗,诈骗

eg. trick sb. out of his money 骗取某人的钱

B) plot n./vt./vi. 密谋,策划,情节

eg. They are plotting together to take over the company. 他们正在合谋接管公司。

to assassinate the king 刺杀国王的阴谋

C) deceive vt./vi. 欺骗,诓骗,蒙蔽,欺诈

eg. sb. into doing sth. 骗某人去做某事 be ~d in sb. 受某人蒙骗

D) rob vt./vi. 抢劫,盗窃

eg. a man of his money 抢人钱财 a bank 抢一家银行

6-10 CBBCC








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