
2022-01-21 20:28 浏览量: 1733



1. 遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,遵守海南热带海洋学院校纪校规以及国际教育学院相关规定。

2. 注意人身安全。不酗酒,不斗殴滋事,不去酒吧聚众喝酒,不与不认识的人同行,不吃路边小摊不卫生的食物,不接受陌生人送的食品饮料,外出时尽量结伴同行。

3. 防止溺水。三亚是个滨海城市,有着迷人的海景,但三亚各个海湾水域复杂,暗流涌动,特别是大东海海域更是溺水事故常发。因此,严禁私自下水游泳,不要私自在海边、河边、湖边、江边、水库边、水沟边、池塘边玩耍嬉戏,不盲目施救。只在政府划定区域游泳,并随时注意安全。

4. 注意住宿安全。校内住宿学生要严格遵守宿舍管理制度,不在校外过夜,不留宿访客,不私拉电线,不使用大功率电器等,杜绝火灾等事故的发生。

5. 注意交通安全。外出时要遵守交通规则,文明出行,文明过马路。不独自搭乘黑摩的、黑出租。不乘坐无牌无证的两轮摩托车、电动(燃油)三轮摩托车和电动自行车。不在校园内外骑摩托车,更不能酒后驾车。

6. 注意财物安全。在乘车、购物时请注意保管好自己的钱包、证件等贵重物品,出门锁好门窗,不要因为自己的粗心大意丢东西,也不要给小偷可乘之机,造成不必要的麻烦和损失。

7. 远离毒品。在中国规定的毒品种类有:大麻、鸦片、海洛因、吗啡、可卡因、冰毒、摇头丸、杜冷丁、咖啡因、恰特草。第一次吸毒者,多数是朋友引诱上钩,例如: “好玩、刺激!” “不会上瘾” “可忘掉烦恼”、“可以解除病痛” “可以减肥”等。因此,要坚决拒绝尝试任何毒品,抵抗住各种诱惑。

8. 防范网络、电信诈骗。现在不法分子的诈骗手段多种多样,留学生群体非常容易上当受骗。根据警官总结,网络诈骗主要存在以下几种形式:










9. 根据《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理条例》,持学习类拘留证件的外国人所持居住证件未加注前款规定信息的,不得在校外勤工助学或实习。

10. 最后提醒同学们要按时返校,2月20日晚我校将开展返校排查工作,同时统计返校人员。


Dear students,

Hello,everyone! The 2022 winter vacation starts from 22 January to 19 February. In order to have a safe and happy holiday and ensure normal study after the holidays, Hainan Tropical Ocean University warmly reminds us of the following 10 points for yourholidays:

1.Comply with the laws and regulations of the People\'s Republic of China, the rules and regulations of Hainan Tropical Ocean University and the relevant regulations of the Schoolof International Education.

2.Pay attention to personal safety. Always keep the following in your mind: don\'t drink , don\'t fight or cause any trouble, don\'t gather many friends to drink at bars, don\'t walk with people you don\'t know, don\'t eat unhygienic food from roadside stalls, don\'t accept food and drinks from strangers, and when you go out, try to stay with people you know well.

3.Prevent drowning. Sanya is a coastal city with charming ocean scenery, but the various bay waters of Sanya are complex, undercurrents surge, especially in the East China Sea oftenresult indrowning accidents. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to swim in the water without permission. Do not play along the seashore, river, lake, river, reservoir, ditch or pond, and don’t blindly rescuing others. Swimming is restricted to areas designated by the Government and always pay attention to safety.

4.Pay attention to the safety of accommodation. Students living on campus should strictly abide by the dormitory management system, do not spend the night outside the campus, do not keep visitors stay overnight , do not pull wires, do not use high-power electrical appliances, prevent fires and other accidents.

5.Pay attention to traffic safety. When you go out, you should abide by traffic rules, travel in a civilized way and cross the road in a civilized way. Not on a private motorcycle, or private cab. Do not ride on unlicensed two-wheeled motorcycles, electric (fuel) tricycles and electric bicycles. Do not ride a motorcycle on or off campus, and drunk driving is also forbidden.

6.Pay attention to property safety. Please take good care of your wallet, ID card and other valuables when traveling and shopping. Lock the doors and windows when you go out. Do not lose things because of carelessnessor give anyopportunity to thieves , which will cause unnecessary trouble and loss.

7.Stay away from drugs. Drugs prescribed in China include marijuana, opium, heroin, morphine, cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy, durantin, caffeine and chattergrass. For the first time, most drug addicts are tempted by friends, such as: "Fun, exciting!" "Not addictive", "can forget worry", "can relieve pain", "can lose weight" and so on. Therefore, we must firmly refuse to try any drugs and resist all temptations.

8.Prevention of network and telecommunication fraud. At present, there are many kinds of fraudulent means for criminals, and the group of foreign students is very easy to be cheated. According to police officers, there are several main forms of cyber fraud:

(1)fraudulently borrowing money in the name of a teacher or leader;

(2)fraud by using QQ theft number and online game transaction;

(3)campus network loan and network shopping fraud;

(4)online winning fraud;

(5)phishing fraud;

(6)fraud in booking air tickets and train tickets;

(7)fraud aimed at employment of university graduates and part-time employment of university students;

(8)internet fraud against all kinds of qualification and grade examinations;

(9)the latest form of cyber fraud against the publication of academic papers.

9.According to Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners, a foreigner holding a residence permit for study shall not engage in any off-campus work-study or internship unless the information prescribed in the preceding paragraph is specified in his or her residence permit.

10.Finally, remind students to return to school on time. In the evening of Feb. 20, we will havethe back-to-school check of every student, and count the back-to-school student at the same time.

Above all, students should improve your consciousness of self-prevention and self-protection. In case of danger, please dial the teacher\'s telephone number or 110 for help. I believe everyone will havea happy, safe and beautiful holiday.


(本文转载自 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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