西浦国际商学院 | 泛内容时代的品牌培育与重塑机遇闭门研讨会

2019-01-16 10:26 浏览量: 4885


1月11日,有关于泛内容时代的品牌培育与重塑机遇的闭门研讨会在西浦国际商学院 (IBSS) 举行。主题锁定了大数据对品牌营销与推广的作用,提出应用创新的视角重构传统行业。此次研讨会吸引了许多相关行业的高管前来参加。来自极易电商、京东,顾家家居,壹见传媒,茉莉传媒,德玛贝尔,全赋,琢石资本等多家公司的高管对此次研讨会的主题展开了讨论。

A closed-door seminar of brand cultivation and reshaping opportunities in the age of pan-content was held at the Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) on January 11th. The theme of this seminar focused on the role of big data in brand marketing and promotion. It proposed to reconstruct traditional industries from the perspective of innovation. The seminar attracted many executives from relevant industries. Executives from ecMAX, JD, Kukahome, One See Media, Jasmine Media, DerMabell, QuanFu, Zhuoshi Capital and other companies discussed the theme of the seminar.

西浦国际商学院校企合作经理Douglas Shearer

论坛开始之前,来自西浦国际商学院校企合作经理Douglas Shearer先生对与会代表们致辞欢迎,并介绍了IBSS的愿景和使命,对未来和这些公司的合作提出了展望。参加此次研讨会的各界精英也表示很高兴能有机会在西浦校园参与这样的活动。

(Before the start of this seminar, Mr. Shearer from the Business Engagement Team of IBSS welcomed the delegates and introduced the vision and mission of IBSS. Mr. Shearer proposed the prospect of future cooperation with these companies. The elites from all walks of life who participated in this seminar also expressed their great pleasure to participate in such activities on the campus of XJTLU。)

来自壹见传媒的Alex先生首先对现如今的“种草营销”进行了简单的介绍,提出了利用内容创造需求,并用电商满足供给的思路。他认为应该把Product-Market Fit (PMF) 作为市场营销的基础,并强调了产品是最好的种草素材,消费者是最好的种草渠道,管理人员应保持渠道敏感度,持续发现流量的价格洼地,以保持竞争优势。

(Alex from One See Media made a brief introductionof the current “grass marketing”. Then, he put forward the idea of using content to create demand and meet the supply by e-commerce. He pointed out that product-market Fit (PMF) should be taken as the basis of marketing. Alex also emphasized that products are the best “grass marketing” materials while consumers are the best channels of marketing. Managers should keep the sensitivity of channels and continuously find the flow of low price to maintain competitive advantages.)


(Monica from Jasmine Media also put forward her own understanding of the pan-content ecological construction scheme of brand incubation. In the discussion, she proposed that content marketing should focus on the mental link with consumers. At the same time, she introduced the model of A.I.P.L., which means that through continuous exposure and long-term precipitation of “grass marketing”, consumers' attitudes can be transformed from Awareness to Interest to Purchase to Loyalty.)


(In addition, participants from Kukahome illustrated the brand incubation practices based on content ecology and innovative operation mode. Bruce from JD also put forward his own views on the investment opportunities in the era of JD Production and pan-content.)



(Dr. Liu Guoquan, Programme Director ofOperations and Supply Chain Managementin IBSS also participated in this discussion. Prior to joining in IBSS, Dr. Liu worked at Intel for more than 10 years. His experience in supply chain optimization has also created new sparks for Internet marketing.Dr. Liu thought that this activity not only has a lot of inspirations for the practices and researches of B2C market, but also has a strong reference for B2B market by sharing the innovation experience of new retails with investors. In addition, it can also guide the courses design of IBSS. Many guests expressed their hope for cooperation with IBSS in various aspects. They look forward to having more of these events in the future.)


(This seminar builds a bridge of communication between the business community and fulfills IBSS’s mission of acting as a catalyst of business education and sustainable development。)


(本文转载自西交利物浦大学西浦国际商学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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