The 15th graduate Football League of BNU has begun to sign up

2018-09-20 14:43 浏览量: 2086

Do you fall into your study so hard that you couldn’t enjoy the scenery out side?

Are you staying in your bed everyday instead of hanging out just for a moment?

Don’t you really forget the time you spent on the gym?

Don’t you truly forget the excitement when you had a goal in?

Don’t you never want to review the time you fighting with your mate again?

Maybe your skills are not as good as before?

Maybe you tend to believe you always be a green hand?

But we believe that you never forget the hurrah after you stand on the podium!

And we believe that there is a sound in your heart to tell you to join us.

Then what you are waiting for?

Just come and join us!

Burning your youth and fight like a warrior!

【The fifteenth graduate Football League SSDPP Corps of Beijing Normal University】

Are recruiting now!!

Let’s start the most passionate football trip together!!

Recruitment target:

All the man studying in the SSDPP as a post-graduate student.

The information required in the registration :


2、Student ID

3、Height (cm)

4、Weight (kg)

5、Uniform number

6、Telephone number

7、A chromophotograph (electronic version)

8、Whether have the experience of competition

【The graduate student association provide uniform not gym shoes】

Registration method:

Please send the E-mail which include all the information above to . Our personnel will contact with you if you are chosen.

Registration deadline at midnight, September 21, 2018


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