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2021-06-18 17:51 浏览量: 3612

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* Beijing Time Base 日程安排以北京时间为准

Date|日期: June 25, 2021|2021年6月25日

Time|时间: 08:00am Beijing Time|北京时间早8点

Format|形式: 150 minutes online session|150分钟在线直播

Registration|报名: Scan QR Code|扫码报名

Agenda | 公开课日程

● 8:00am-8:10am

Introduction of PKU and Guanghua School of Management



Introduction of China Business Insight Learning Program



Guest Speaker: Dr. Yao Tang



Guest Speaker: Maxime Van’t Klooster

授课嘉宾:Maxime Van’t Klooster


Q&A for Applications


Speakers | 演讲嘉宾



Dr. Yao Tang is an associate professor in the department of applied economics, a research fellow at the CITIC Foundation for Reform and Development. He holds a PhD. in Economics from University of British Columbia in 2009.

He was an associate professor from Bowdoin College in United States before he joined Guanghua. His research interests include monetary economics, international Economics and enterprise strategy. His teaching includes the macroeconomics, China in the global political economy, international finance, international trade, and topics on Asian economies.

Maxime Van't Klooster

Maxime joined Acclime in January 2021 as Partner and Director of Acclime’s Beijing office. Furthermore, he leads the consulting department and is responsible for local business development and client relations.

Maxime was co-owner and COO of 1421 Consulting Group, which was acquired by Acclime. With over 7 years of experience in China, Maxime has advised clients in various industries on their strategy, market-entry, and local operations.

China Business Insight


Visionary business executives and managers looking for opportunities in China can now learn from leading experts at the world renowned Peking University, one of the most elite universities in China. Never before was such a comprehensive body of professional learning accessible online.

This certificate-offering Online Learning Program will be delivered by professors of Peking University. 3-6 hours of commitment are required each week alongside with self-learning modules, providing progressivity, continuity, flexibility, and intellectual rigor.

北京大学光华管理学院推出中国商业洞察(CHINA BUSINESS INSIGHT)全英文在线直播学习项目。项目将集合北京大学优秀师资和业界专家,通过4个模块历时1个月的学习,为想来中国拓展商业机会、寻求职业发展的海外人才,讲述中国发展的底层逻辑、解析企业增长的中国方案。第一期将在2021年8月推出。

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China Business Insight: Digital Learning Program


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