Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA Admissions Q&A
To help applicants better understand Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA program, we have prepared answers to the following FAQs to facilitate your application.
General Facts 基本信息
What degree will I get?
The Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA is the first Sino-US joint EMBA Program in mainland China. Graduates will receive a Master of Business Administration (MBA) jointly issued by the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University (USA) and the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University (China). In accordance with Ministry of Education regulations in China, graduates will also receive an EMBA diploma and degree issued by Peking University.
How long is the program? Where are the classes taught?
The program lasts 22 months, beginning in every September. Normally classes take place once every two months, which is designed to accommodate executives’ busy schedules. The participants will have the opportunity to study at Guanghua branch campuses across China(Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xi’an and Chengdu)and any of Kellogg's partner institutions within our global network (Chicago, Hong Kong, Miami, Toronto, Tel Aviv, and Vallendar). This concept of our "moving classroom" is the best way to strengthen your understanding of local business practices, and to expand your professional network and career potential.
What is the language of instruction? Do I need to speak the local language?
The language of instruction is English. You are not required to speak or write in Mandarin.
Who teaches the program?
About half of the faculty are from the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University; while the other half are from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.
How will the GK EMBA program help with my career?
The GK EMBA is a global program with a focus on exploring global business principles, providing executive with training in the latest techniques, and networking. The diverse faculty and students will inspire and challenge you, and the what you learn on the program will help you in dealing with real-world problems.
这是一个国际高级工商管理硕士学位项目,其重要意义在于社交网络的拓展、商业原理的讨论以及思维方式的训练。GK EMBA项目中多样化的老师和同学会给您很多启发,项目所学会有助于您处理现实工作中遇到的问题。
Admission Requirements 申请须知
What kind of students do you look for? Any specific requirements?
A candidate for this program must have:
1. A Bachelor’s degree or above from a recognized university or an approved institution;
2. A Minimum of 8 years of significant full-time work experience and 5 years of work experience in a managerial position with increasing responsibilities;
3. English proficiency;
4. Motivation and commitment to attend a rigorous and academic program.
GK项目的候选人必须具有:1. 具有国民教育序列/资质认可的大学本科或本科以上学历;
2. 毕业后有8年或以上全职工作经历,并具有5 年或以上管理工作经历,较大规模企业的现职中高层管理人员;
3. 精通英文;
4. 拥有参加严格的学术课程的决心和动力。
What if I don’t have any financial or business background?
Applicants from both business and professional fields can apply for the GK EMBA program as long as they meet the above four requirements. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds who have the confidence and ambition to be leaders in their organizations. In the past, we have encouraged applicants of all backgrounds to join the program. Going into the future, the diversity of the students will make the program more valuable.
无论是来自商业领域还是其它专业领域的申请者,只要满足以上4条要求,都可以申请GK EMBA项目。我们欢迎来自各个领域的申请人,只要他们有成为组织领导者的信心和追求。在过去、我们鼓励各种不同背景的申请人加入GK EMBA项目;未来,学员的丰富背景会使这个项目更有价值。
Is full-time employment necessary?
Yes. In order for each student to contribute full to the classroom experience, students should have full-time employment that they can draw upon and reflect on during the program.
Do I need to take the GMAT?
The GMAT is not required. We base admissions decisions on the quality and quantity of work experience, recommendations and academic record.
What if I don't have eight years of work experience?
Though we strongly hold that rich work experience will enforce your learning and networking during the program, there may be an exception if we see great potential from you. Please feel free to contact the admissions team to discuss your experience.
Application Process 准备申请
What is the application process?
The application process involves taking an interview first. After passing the interview, students from mainland China are required to take a written examination, and International students are exempt from it.
Can I have a video interview online?
Normally we don’t accept video interviews as we believe face-to-face communication will allow the interviewers to have a deeper understanding on the applicant. However, due to the epidemic which has made traveling difficult, interviews are temporarily being conducted online.
What should I do if I want to officially apply for the GK EMBA program?
Please email us at and our admissions team will assist you with your application.
If you have any further questions, please click “Read more” to make an appointment for an online 1 on 1 talk with our admissions team.
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