国际MBA协会AMBA(The Association of MBAs)是世界三大商学教育认证组织之一,全球最具权威的管理教育认证体系之一。南开大学商学院于2013年通过AMBA首次认证,为期五年。
Principle 1
The MBA Portfolio.
In order to ensure clarity and transparency in the marketplace, all programmes awarded by the institution bearing the designation MBA must be submitted for accreditation.
Principle 2
The Institution offering an MBA must be sustainable, financially viable, and committed to quality and continuous improvement. It should possess a distinctive market identity which provides the basis for a high quality and successful MBA portfolio.
Principle 3
The Institution must be able to provide the MBA portfolio with sufficient and balanced expertise in teaching, research and consultancy that guides the MBA learning experience in a cohesive and integrated way.
Principle 4
Each MBA programme must be supported and periodically reviewed in a systematic way, with sufficient academic oversight and operational support. The MBA should be designed to represent best practice in management education, considering market trends and practices.
Principle 5
The MBA is designed to be a postgraduate, post-experience qualification for high potential leaders; the admissions process must be rigorous in ensuring that an appropriate, sustainable and diverse cohort is recruited and maintained.
Principle 6
The MBA should have clearly articulated learning outcomes which can be measured and mapped through to course learning outcomes and assessment. Outcomes should broadly reflect AMBA MBA attributes and be aligned to the mission of the Institution.
Principle 7
The MBA curriculum should be comprehensive and integrative, and clearly delivered at the Master’s-level.
Principle 8
The MBA assessment strategy must be robust, varied and to standards that are consistently applied at the Master’s-level.
Principle 9
In order to develop sufficient generalist management knowledge, skills and values, the MBA programme requires substantial interaction between faculty and the cohort group, in addition to providing appropriate space for private study and reflection.
Principle 10
Graduates should be able to demonstrate significant career enhancement as a result of their MBA and should be supported in their continual development by the Institution.
审核 |李娜
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