Bright Side of Diverse Market Beliefs Held by Firms

2021-10-09 10:59 浏览量: 3267

Lecture Preview


报告题目:Bright Side of Diverse Market Beliefs Held by Firms




讲座内容:Suppliers sell products through a retailer to the market with uncertain demand. The retailer has access to a demand signal useful for updating forecast of market uncertainty. Suppliers can acquire the retailer’s signal, termed information sharing. Due todifferential functional roles and means of market access, firms hold diverse beliefs about market conditions. This is further aggravated as they apply privileged systems to process information and interpret market trend. We unveil the circumstances where information sharing occurs as firms hold diverse market beliefs and as they are either aware or unaware of each other’s beliefs, and explore the consequential effects on firms’ actual profits. Our results show that diverse market beliefs facilitate information sharing. Information symmetry in signals for forecast updating, achieved through information sharing, is a strategic complement to that in market beliefs. Information symmetry in firms’ believed market uncertainty does not improve actual profits for all firms simultaneously, but that in firms’ believed market size can. Information sharing is more likely to occur as suppliers can screen the market belief held by the retailer (through its decision on payment acceptance for signal disclosure), but is less likely so as the retailer calculatedly reports its market belief. This is a joint work with Zhongyuan Hao.

嘉宾介绍:姜力,香港理工大学商学院教授,2007年于密歇根大学罗斯商学院获得运营及管理科学专业博士学位,同年受聘于香港理工大学商学院物流与运营管理系,2011年晋升为终身教授。他的主要研究方向包括:数据驱动下的运营管理,信息共享,信任品市场分析,消费者行为以及共享经济平台运营研究等。他的研究成果主要发表在Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management,Naval Research Logistics等国际顶级和重要学术期刊上,他同时参与这些期刊的编审工作。他指导学生完成的论文多次在国际会议(INFORMS,POMS)获奖。姜力教授于2018年被European Association of Operations Research 授予杰出学术贡献奖,2020年入选教育部长江学者。





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