2018-09-30 21:47 浏览量: 3352

Everybody has his or her own special decision in his or her life, and it changes people’s lives sometimes. I decidedto go to China to pursue my Master in Business Administration (MBA) and also learn Chinese, and I never knew that it would change my life.

I arrived in Shanghai Pudong International Airport around 3:30 p.m. on 6

For example, in places like People’s Square and the Bund, the architecture and the atmosphere are both incredibly cerebral, and I’ve never feltthe way I did in those areas. Also, something about having thousand-foot skyscrapers obstructing your line of sight no matter which direction you lookfelt a little invasive when viewing it from the older more traditional side of Shanghai. I am very curious to discuss with both young and older generations about the transformation and westernization happening right now throughout China, and how Confucianism and Socialist ideology contradict modern Shanghai.Within a short time, my train ticket to Nanjing was booked and was ready tocontinue my adventure.

As I continue my journey to Nanjing, I quickly realized that taking pictures was a very unreliable way to display tomy friends and family back home the true expansiveness of Nanjing, and nothingcan do justice other than experiencing it for yourself. It’s both shocking and breath taking, and I have mixed sentiments about the whole thing. As I continuemy journey to my University (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications),I finally got to campus around 3:00am on 7th September, 2017 completely exhausted. A million miles away from my family, in a foreign land, with a language that is100% different from English? Sounds like an adventure to me! I really wanted to master the Chinese language and there’s no better way to do that than to go tothe country itself! The trip ended up being wild, crazy, and unforgettable.

The first time I was in China, I couldnot understand Chinese, and I missed my family so much. I had a hard time getting used to a new life in a different country, but I learned how to be independent, how to explore, and how to persevere. For example, I found that I could do many things, and I could make my own decisions in life. It helped me alot to be independent even though it was very hard at first. I not only learned about independence, but also discovered my dream in China. I found that I could tell Chinese people about my country as well, so I decided to be a diplomat who discusses affairs with other countries on behalf of his or her own country.Since I set goals for my life and I had a dream, I worked hard to earn goodgrades.

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications is an exciting place to be because I loved everything about the University. The weather was amazing as I got ready for registration, orientation and the commencement of lectures.It was so lovely so meet different students around the globe all gathered in NJUPT.

I was honored was I invited to give a speech during the welcoming program for the 2017 International Students and also selected to be my classmonitor. The so called weather that I enjoyed started changing to colder as the days progressed indicating the time for winter. It was my first time to experience such a cold season and it very tougher for me but I was able to endure it. I started craving for summer, which took me to another level of surprise. I realized that summer in Nanjing was like hell. However, I managed to endure that too.

Having prior knowledge about so many interesting places in Nanjing, I decided to keep my busy by visiting places like the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, Zhongshan Purple Mountain, LingguTemple, Niushoushan Temple Mountain, and Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo.Of course I could not spend my time with my family, however, I learned about important things that not everyone learns in his or her life. Independence, perseverance, dreaming, and adaptation indifferent countries without family-these are the things I learned in China, and I am sure these will influence the rest of my life. I am very thankful that I experienced such a good adventure.

field research with my supervisor in IKEA

The most unforgettable thing in China is the memory with my friends. My friends used to help me with my Chinese, and I helped them with their English. We helped each other and discussed our language exchange. We were very different in cultures, traditions, and interests, but we became good friends and still keep in touch. I heard that Chinese people were very devoted before I went to China, and my friends proved that it was true.I am very thankful thatI had such a good adventure in China, so I want to share a good change of mylife with this as a drive, and I want many people know the importance of courage. Finally, I want to use this opportunity to thank my lecturers,supervisor, as well as my Chinese and International friends that I have made in China, Nanjing for making my stay here, something that I will never forget in my life.

Long Live China

Long Live Nanjing



作者:HARRISKWAKU DUAH同学来自加纳,是海外教育学院2017MBA。文章是他在南邮年多读书和生活的感受。同时,也要感谢海外教育学院老师们的辛苦付出,谢谢你们!


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