活动邀请 | 清华大学一带一路金融EMBA【招生交流会】新加坡站
清华五道口一带一路金融EMBA(BRI EMBA)是国内首创的“一带一路”相关硕士学位项目。项目在“一带一路”倡议的指引下,依托百年清华丰富的教育资源,为学生们打造学习和交流平台,加深对“一带一路”沿线国家经济及国情的认识,促进国际合作,助力民心相通。
2024年9月26日,我们诚挚邀请您参加一带一路金融EMBA(BRI EMBA)新加坡招生交流会,共同奏响“一带一路”交流与合作的乐章,共享机遇,共谋发展。
TheBRI EMBA program at Tsinghua University’s PBCSF is the first specialized master’s program in China dedicated to the promulgation of the Belt and Road Initiative.The program leverages the rich educational resources of Tsinghua University and the ethos of the Belt and Road Initiative to create a platform for students to deepen their understanding of the economies and conditions of countries along the Belt and Road Initiative, promote international cooperation, and facilitate people-to-people connectivity.
You are cordially invited to meet with Tsinghua PBCSF BRI EMBA admission teamon 26Sepin Singapore.
BRI EMBA 招生交流会 · 新加坡站
在即将举行的新加坡招生交流会上,我们特别邀请清华五道口金融学院业界导师、BRI EMBA授课老师、资深华尔街投资人杨庆宏,为您解析“科技企业研发效率”。同时,这也是一次近距离感受BRI EMBA师资风采的绝佳机会。
In today’s world, the economy is largely driven by technology. Hence, investors are increasingly focusing on enterprises’ R&D capabilities. However, it is not an easy task to evaluate a technology enterprise. How to uncover the truth behind the data and accurately assess the efficiency of an enterprise's R&D activities? How to filter through numerous enterprises to identify outstanding investment targets?
At the upcoming Singapore Admission Info Session, Prof. Yang Qinghong, Industry Mentor of PBCSF, BRI EMBA Professor and Seasoned Investor from Wall Street, will share insights on this topic. It provides an excellent opportunity for you to experience firsthand the charm of the BRI EMBA's class.
(本文转载自清华五道口金融EMBA ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)
* 文章为作者独立观点,不代表MBAChina立场。采编部邮箱:news@mbachina.com,欢迎交流与合作。
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