北大光华活动 | 对话德勤全球荣誉主席舒亚玟

2023-10-19 13:35 浏览量: 2232



Join us on October 23rd at 18:30 for a conversation with Ms. Sharon Thorne, former Deloitte Global Chair and an exceptional woman in leadership, who will share her invaluable insights on personal and professional growth in a rapidly evolving world.

Supported by Peking University Lanyuan Centre and moderated by Professor Qiaowei Shen, Director of Undergraduate & Postgraduate Programs, this event offers you the opportunity to actively engage in the discussion by asking questions, gaining fresh perspectives, and seeking guidance on achieving your potential. Save your spot today!


*This event is open to PKU students, faculty, staff and alumni only.


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主题 | Theme


Reach for the stars: Overcoming barriers to achieve your potential and supporting those around you to achieve theirs

时间 | Time

2023年10月23日 星期一 18:30

Monday, October 23, 2023 18:30

语言 | Language


English (Simultaneous Chinese Interpretation)

主持人 | Moderator



Qiaowei Shen, Professor of Marketing,

Director of Undergraduate & Postgraduate Programs





Sharon Thorne

Former Deloitte Global Chair



在担任德勤全球理事会主席期间,舒亚玟女士为德勤全球网络积极搭建世界一流的全球治理框架,倡导包容与多元的文化主张,并持续在全球范围内推进WorldClass计划——到 2030年赋能五千万人在飞速变化的全球经济中把握机遇、实现理想,其中包括为一千万中国乡村儿童和农民提供数字化技能培训。

Sharon Thorne is the Former Chair of the Deloitte Global Board of Directors.

Sharon was previously the Deputy CEO and Managing Partner Global & Strategy of Deloitte North West Europe (NWE), and a Deloitte Global Board member. Sharon is the first woman to hold the Global Chair role, and has long been a champion of Deloitte’s ambition to achieve higher representation of women in leadership globally.

As a member of the NWE Executive, Sharon’s main responsibility was to lead the worldwide dimension of Deloitte NWE’s strategy. Between 2015 and 2019, she was the executive sponsor for the creation of Deloitte NWE.

Prior to this, Sharon was a Deloitte UK audit partner for 20 years. She has over 30 years of experience auditing and advising clients across a broad range of sectors. This includes extensive experience serving as lead audit partner for FTSE-listed clients, coordinating services around the globe.

In addition to a number of executive roles, including Deloitte UK Managing Partner Talent and Deloitte UK Managing Partner Regions, Sharon has spent more than three decades on boards including as chair. This includes fourteen years on the Deloitte Global board. Sharon’s other previous governance experience includes the A4S Advisory Council, the Social Progress Imperative Board, the World Economic Forum Centre for New Economy and Society Stewardship Board, the Shanghai International Financial Advisory Council, the Confederation of British Industry Board of Directors and as a Trustee for Prostate Cancer UK.

Sharon graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Philosophy, Economics and Politics. She is a fellow of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.






Qiaowei Shen

Professor of Marketing

Director of Undergraduate& Postgraduate


沈俏蔚教授,光华管理学院市场营销系教授,光华管理学院本科研究生项目主任,博士生导师,教育部“长江学者”特聘教授。她于2008年获得美国加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley) 市场营销专业博士学位,此前获得北京大学经济学学士、硕士学位。2008年至2015年任教于美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院,2015年秋至今任教于北京大学光华管理学院。

研究领域包括企业与消费者决策的量化模型,社交与新媒体以及营销策略等。多篇论文发表于Marketing Science 和 Management Science等管理学领域国际顶级学术期刊, 并获2014年度美国运筹学与管理学协会 (INFORMS)营销科学John Little最佳论文提名奖。2017年国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者。目前为国际顶级学术期刊 Marketing Science,Journal of Marketing以及International Journal of Research in Marketing 的编委会成员,担任《营销科学学报》专业主编。

Qiaowei Shen is Professor of Marketing at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Prior to joining Peking University, she was a faculty at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Professor Shen received her Ph.D. in marketing from UC Berkeley and her M.A. and B.A. in Economics from Peking University. Her research interests include empirical modelling of firm and consumer decision making, social interactions and new media, and competitive marketing strategy. Her research has been published in top academic journals such as Marketing Science and Management Science and has been nominated for the John Little Award Finalist in Marketing by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). She is a recipient of 2017 Excellent Young Scholar awarded by the National Science Foundation of China. Professor Shen serves on the editorial boards of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing and International Journal of Marketing Research. She is an Area Editor at the Journal of Marketing Science (Chinese).


The Guanghua School of Management is widely recognized as the premier business school in China with multiple programs that routinely rank among the best in Asia. Guanghua's preeminent faculty and students have played key roles in China's economic development, putting Guanghua in a unique position to bring the world to China and China to the world.


Students interested in China-focused careers can also explore the following Guanghua's international programs:

- Global MBA Program

- Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA Program

- "Future Leaders" International Undergraduate Program

- Doing Business in China

- International Exchange Programs

- Global Future Investor


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