西交利物浦大学西浦国际商学院Break & Change 谈话

2022-07-18 14:24 浏览量: 3073

Break & Change

Any organisation operating in today's uncertain economic climate needs to know how to manage change to survive. For businesses to withstand today’s competitive environment, organisations must frequently examine its processes and performance strategies to better understand what changes need to be made. Change nowadays is a reality for businesses and organisations, those which resist change, risk losing their competitive edge. The ability therefore to manage change effectively has become vital. Change is essential for business survival and growth. Our Break & Change talk series, developed by International Business School Suzhou (IBSS), and triggered by changes showing up in business communities, driven by insights from business leaders and academics, and guided by the complex and competitive global business environment.

Theme: Managing Business in an Evolving Landscape

Date: 21stJuly 2022, Thursday

Time: 3:00PM - 4:30PM (Beijing)

Language: English

Venue: Zoom

Mr. Yifei Zhang

General Manager, East China, Control Risks

Topic The dynamics of China-US relationship

While COVID seems to have most of the attention of doing business in China during the past months, the China-US relationship remains a key issue on business agenda that multinational companies can not deprioritise. A series of latest events - from Biden's first presidential visit to Asia and the launch of Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) to the Bipartisan Innovation Act that is under discussion – have further compounded the China-US geopolitical competition and reflect an acceleration of the underlying trend. With geopolitics increasingly reshaping the business environment, how should companies understand the current landscape of the bilateral relationship and prepare for any future developments?

Mr. Fabrizio Merz

General Manager, Gefran Beyond Technology

During my talk I will touch some points related to the effects of the pandemic onmy organization, how different geographies responded to the crises and how we learned and implemented new practiceslike Risk and Crises management in the local organization. Tools that are particularly important not only for the pandemic but also for the times of vulnerability, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) in which we will live. We will address the importance of company culture and skills we developed or reinforced like sensemaking and why these last couple of years have been the most exciting as a manager.

Dr. Haili Wu

Associate Professor of Practice in Economics at IBSS, XJTLU

Changes from the Cross-Cultural Psychology Perspective

Changes can happen across all areas and levels of life. In the talk, Haili will explain changes from the cross-cultural perspective based on her 10-year research conducted at UCL’s Centre for the Study of Decision-Making Uncertainty (CSDU). It is a world-renowned multi-disciplinary research think tank sponsored by The Institute for New Economic Thinking and providing policy advice to the G20 and associated international organizations. CSDU is also affiliated with Blavatnik School of government at University of Oxford, which is Europe'sfirstmajorschool of government. Haili’s research, underpinned by three theoretical foundations: cultural psychology, finance, andsociology, is both cross-cultural and inter-disciplinary.


Prof Roberto Dona

Associate Dean for Professional Engagement at IBSS, XJTLU

Professor of Practice in Management at IBSS




(本文转载自西交利物浦大学西浦国际商学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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