
2019-07-05 17:04 浏览量: 5822




ESADE院长Josep Franch教授主持毕业典礼,McIntire院长Carl Zeithamal教授和岭南学院院长陆军教授依次致辞,Josep Franch教授最后致辞并总结。各位院长高度肯定整个项目和所有学生的努力,并且从领导力、学习力和当前逆全球化挑战等多个角度表达了对毕业生的殷切期望。


Carl Zeithamal院长表达了他的祝贺,完成这样一年学业繁重的跨国跨文化项目需要强大的适应能力和学习能力,他很高兴看到所有人都能够顺利毕业。Carl院长同时要求学生必须保持进取心,要成为优秀的领导者。



Josep Franch院长强调了继续学习的重要性,他说到:“你们在这个项目里的学习虽然已经结束了,但是学习是没有止境的,未来一段时间内很多工作甚至行业都会消亡,只有保持学习才能成功应对。”他打趣道,毕业生一定能够成为比现在大多数政客都要优秀明智的全球领导者!


来自美国McIntire商学院的Amanda Cowen副教授回顾了项目刚开始时她对学生的叮嘱:“差异注定会导致不舒服,学习包容差异和克服不舒服将是这个项目的独特性”,她很高兴大家都接受并克服了不舒服和不适应,接下来毕业生们将步入社会,她完全相信经过一年的学习,所有人都已经准备好了;中山大学岭南学院的刘衡副教授也送上了他的祝福,“前路充满挑战,但机会与挑战同在”。“项目走到了终点,但同时也是新生活的起点”;西班牙ESADE商学院的Frank Wiengarten副教授赞扬了毕业生一年的辛勤学习并对他们的未来寄予厚望。

McIntire商学院教师代表Amanda Cowen致辞


ESADE商学院教师代表Frank Wiengarten致辞





在毕业典礼的最后,ESADE院长Josep Franch发表结束语,他嘱咐全体毕业生:“不要停止学习,不要害怕犯错误,要成为未来的领导,成为更好的人!” 这些话语将会牢牢刻印在所有毕业生的脑海里,在未来帮助他们在关键时刻做出正确的决定和选择,并成为他们下一个人生阶段的座右铭。


On the summer night of 14th June, 2019, the graduation ceremony of the 2018-2019 International Business Programme was held in ESADE, Spain, where students completed their final stage of this programme before graduating. The ceremony began with speeches of three Deans – Professor Josep Franch from ESADE, Professor Carl Zeithamal from McIntire, and Professor Lu Jun from Lingnan (University) College. They all highly praised for the hard work of every graduate, and expressed their expectations of students from perspectives of leadership, learning ability, and current challenges of globalization.

Professor Josep Franch emphasized the significance of continuous learning. He mentioned that even though the programme has finished, the process of study has not as learning is the only way to help students thrive in the world where many jobs might be replaced eventually.

Professor Carl Zeithamal congratulated graduates for completing such an intensive global programme in a limited time while adapting to new culture and environment smoothly. Other than that, he asked the cohort to keep their ambitiousness in the future and be outstanding leaders.

Professor Lu Jun shared his belief that although globalization is now facing challenges, it would not be the end of international collaboration. He encouraged graduates to contribute their own parts in propelling corporations toward globalization while targeting the right spot in employment markets and go far.

All faculty and professional staff across three countries were appreciated as the success of this programme cannot be achieved without contributions from them. They provided a variety of support and resources to students, and ensured each of them received a positive study experience before, during, and after the study period.

Associate Professor Amanda Cowen of McIntire, University of Virginia, reviewed the words that she told students in the beginning of the programme that dissimilarities would definitely lead to uncomfortable feelings at some point. However, to learn to be inclusive and overcome the difficulties in terms of culture and habits is the uniqueness of this programme.

Associate professor Liu Heng of Lingnan (University) College said: “There are full of challenges in the way ahead, yet the opportunities and challenges often coexist”. Furthermore, Associate Professor Frank Wiengarten from ESADE appreciated graduates’ efforts, and reminded them that the end of this programme is also a beginning of their new life.

Another impressive speech was given by one of the student representatives, He Rui. His humorous presentation style brought the cohort back to those meaningful moments. Rui made a metaphor of the cohort as ingredients in “a large pan of Valencian paella”. They do not seem to be mixed well at first, yet they will eventually blend in and forming a delicious pan of food with unforgettable taste. This is the glamour of the programme.

As Professor Josep Franch (ESADE) said at the end of the night: “Never stop learning, do not be afraid of making mistakes, be a future leader, and be a better person!”


(本文转载自中山大学岭南学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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