节日节气 | 立冬

2021-11-07 08:38 浏览量: 2543


The Beginning of Winter is the nineteenth solar term in the twenty-four solar terms falling between November 7th and 8th in the Gregorian calendar. From then on, winter begins. All crops were harvested and stored, and animals were also hidden for hibernation.


The ancient Chinese divided the Beginning of Winter into three periods: “One is when water can freeze; The second is when the land is also starting to freeze; The third is when large birds such as pheasants disappear and large clams with shells and colors similar to those of pheasants can be seen on the beach.”


During the period from the Beginning of Winter to Lesser Snow, it is generally not very cold in some parts of the south. But as time goes by, the cold air frequently moves south and the temperature gradually drops. At this time, many places in the north are dry and cold where everything is withered.


After the Beginning of Winter, the northern agricultural and forestry crops have entered the overwintering period. The “three autumns” in the Jianghuai region are also coming to an end, and for the south it is the best period for rushing to plant winter wheat.


Since ancient times, the Beginning of Winter has been highly valued by people, and celebrations in various places are also very rich. During this festival, the popular folklore says that "During the Beginning of Winter, in order to resist the coldness, it is a good time to make some delicious food to fill the mouth" meaning that people uses delicacies to reward themselves after a busy year, including dumplings, ginger duck, mutton hot pot and so on.


The north wind sneaks in quietly and winter arrives before we could feel the charm of autumn. Perhaps the meaning of coldness is to let you find something warmer. May your winter more warmth.


审核丨吴 璠



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