MBA New Vision 63:Managing Innovation for Emerging Technologies

2021-07-07 17:52 浏览量: 3632

MBA New Vision 63


14:00-16:00 July 11th2021

Tencent Meeting ID:

473 963 006


Opening Talkspeaker:

Prof. José Alves, Dean of Faculty of Business, City University of Macau

Entrepreneurship opportunities in the GBA (大湾区)

Keynote speaker

Dr. Farzad Sabetzadeh 法扎德, Assistant Professor of Knowledge and Innovation Management, Faculty of Business, City University of Macau

Dr. Farzad (法扎德) has more than a decade of track record in academia and industry in developing knowledge-based innovation systems and processes. He teaches various subjects on knowledge management, innovation, and entrepreneurship to both undergraduate and postgraduate students in Greater China and Southeast Asia. With his diverse work and academic background in different regions, his current academic focus is on teaching, research, and consultancy for innovation and entrepreneurship development in the Greater Bay Area (粵港澳大灣區), South East Asia and projects associated with China One Belt One Road Initiative (一带一路). He is also an active technology advisor to the IT industry and is involved in various academic events, talks, seminars, and research publications. Over the past decade, he has completed multiple projects on knowledge management, Innovation Management personalized learning environment, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), Smart City, and Internet of Things (IoT).

Outline and brief introduction of the lecture:

Managing Innovation for Emerging Technologies

This lecture will introduce the principles of Innovation Management for Emerging Technologies and how entrepreneurship can play a vital role in the sustainability of this trend. Students are expected to get familiar with the following concepts:

①Knowledge-Based Innovation

②Principles of Innovation Management

③Innovation Management for Emerging Technologies


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