
2020-12-10 06:00 浏览量: 2104


[重点词汇]well timed合时宜地oligopoly n. 寡占;寡头买主垄断


Lex_Telemedicine/JD Health: what the doctor ordered


Waiting to consult doctors at their surgeries is becoming old-fashioned among China’s early adopters. Remote medical consultations via platforms such as JD Health have surged during the pandemic. Expect the trend to outlive coronavirus lockdowns. JD Health’s Hong Kong listing, in which it sold $3.5bn of shares, is well timed.

在中国的早期采用者中,在医院等着医生出手术室后向他们咨询的做法已经过时了。新冠疫情期间,通过京东健康(JD Health)等平台进行的远程问诊激增。预计这一趋势将会在抗疫封锁结束后延续。京东健康在香港上市、发售35亿美元股票的时机恰到好处。

The stock rose 56 percent on Tuesday, valuing the offshoot of ecommerce giant at more than $40bn. Hot money stacked up for the postponed Ant Group listing was one reason for the jump. The industry’s potential was the other.

该股周二大涨56%,对电商巨头京东(的这家医疗保健子公司估值超过400亿美元。原本准备追逐蚂蚁集团(Ant Group)上市——已被推迟——的热钱是推高京东健康股价的原因之一。该行业的潜力是另一个原因。

China is a perfect test bed for digital medicine. Public healthcare is under-resourced. The private sphere lacks a restrictive US-style oligopoly. The large ageing population is prepared to pay for the best doctors.


The group’s healthcare revenues grew more than three-quarters in the first half to $1.3bn. It is already profitable.


There is room for more. JD Health launched online consultations less than three years ago. The sessions work well for conditions not requiring physical examinations. They are mostly free.


Drug sales are the main revenue source, alongside specialist consultations, making JD Health’s the largest online retail pharmaceuticals platform in China. That creates conflicts of interest for online physicians as big as those that conventional practitioners wrestle with.


Charging for consultations would resolve these. Public national medical insurance cannot be used to cover fees from online consultations, absent regulatory reform. But China’s growing middle classes can be persuaded to stump up.


JD Health’s parent is a bigger concern for investors. will be hit by Beijing’s new antitrust regulations. JD Health’s main competitors are healthcare units of Alibaba, Ping An and Tencent, tech giants equally exposed to official disapproval of cross-selling and cross subsidies.

京东健康的母公司对投资者来说是一个更令人担忧的问题。京东将会受到北京方面新的反垄断法规的打击。京东健康的主要竞争对手是阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、平安(Ping An)和腾讯(Tencent)旗下的医疗部门,这些科技巨头同样面临官方对交叉销售和交叉补贴的不认可。

It helps that China’s online healthcare sector is worth just $4bn within a $1tn local healthcare market, too small to inspire direct attacks. The desperate need for medical resources during the pandemic has kept regulators friendly, for now. Companies such as JD Health can curry further official favour by helping with a push to digitise medical records.


JD Health’s enterprise value of 14 times trailing sales is high even by US tech standards. But smaller rival Alibaba Health Information Technology trades at 20 times. Medium-term prospects in this increasingly prosperous, urban nation are good. You might even say they are the picture of health.



(本文转载自中国政法大学MBA教育中心 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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