MBA在线体验课 | 解密病毒式营销

2022-06-01 08:30 浏览量: 2074

早在20世纪60年代,研究人员就对世界联系的紧密程度感兴趣。最近根据来自社交网络数据的研究,更是强化,我们生活在一个六度分隔的世界的理论。鉴于世界的联系如此紧密,营销的点子或产品能否像病毒一样在人与人之间有效、迅速的传播?Since as early as the 1960s, researchers have been interested in how closely the world is connected. More recent analysis, leveraging data from social networks, has reinforced the theory that we all exist within six degrees of separation from one another. Given that the world is so closely connected, it is time to ask, can ideas or products spread as efficiently and effectively as viruses do amongst people?在体验课中,朴教授将从心理学、社会学、市场营销和计算机科学等各个领域,揭秘病毒式营销背后的真相和神话。In this lecture, Prof. Park will reveal the truth – and the myths – behind viral marketing from various academic fields, including psychology, sociology, marketing, and computer science.通过此体验课,参与者在学到如何成功的操作病毒式营销的同时,也能了解到中欧校友是如何利用中欧的课程,资源和校友网络实现职业生涯的飞跃。During this event, participants and prospective MBA students can expect to gain insight into what makes viral marketing successful, and how alumni have leveraged the resources, knowledge, and connections at CEIBS to build international careers.

关于主讲教授About the Professor

朴玹煐(Hyun Young Park)教授是中欧国际工商学院市场营销学副教授。朴教授以优异成绩毕业于韩国首尔大学,获得工商管理学士学位并在纽约大学斯特恩商学院获得市场营销学博士学位。她在上海生活了九年,是中欧MBA核心课程市场营销学教授。Dr. Hyun Young Park is an Associate Professor of Marketing at CEIBS. She earned her Ph.D. in Marketing from Stern School of Business (New York University) and her Bachelor in Business Administration, with the highest honors, from Seoul National University. She has lived in Shanghai for nine years and now is the leading faculty for core marketing on the full-time MBA programme at CEIBS.

MBA校友分享MBA Alumni Panel

Kevin Shimota (MBA 2016)


Post MBA:澳大利亚埃森哲平台战略总监,微信前全球主管

Sara Shen (MBA 2016)



参加对象 Who should attend?对就读MBA有兴趣和意向的年轻职场人Young professionals interested in pursuing an MBA.


Event Info

2021.06.09 星期四 Thursday

19:00- 20:30

在线 (参加链接将通过邮件发送)

online(webinar link will be shared via email before the event)

活动议程 Agenda

18:45-19:00 在线参观校园和中欧所在社区 Virtual campus tour

19:00-19:10 课程介绍Programme introduction

19:10-20:00 中欧MBA体验课Exclusive MBA lecture

20:00-20:30 校友分享及问答环节Alumni sharing and Q&A

活动费用 Cost:免费 Free

活动语言 Language:英文 English


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