
2021-12-29 19:56 浏览量: 3738

在第23届北大光华新年论坛上,北大光华“未来领导者”国际本科项目2018级本科生Enzo Cardoso Pertence dos Santos(中文名,桑恩泽)参加了"YOUTH圆桌派"环节的对谈,发表了精彩观点。





桑恩泽(Enzo Cardoso Pertence dos Santos)是北京大学光华管理学院“未来领导者”国际本科项目的大四学生。桑恩泽原就读于巴西圣保罗商业管理学院 (FGV-EAESP),2020年通过两校遴选,开始在北大进行两年本科学习。此前,桑恩泽在中国已经有过交换学习经历,深入探索中国的社会和文化,在北大光华的学习的日子进一步激发了他浓厚的学术兴趣,坚定了追逐学术梦想的初心。

About Enzo

Enzo Cardoso Pertence dos Santos studied at FGV-EAESP in Brazil for the former half of his bachelor's degree and is currently doing his latter half at Peking University. He had spent more than two years studying Chinese in China before joining the "Future Leaders" Program at PKU. He is a big fan of scuba diving and traveling, and he is fond of learning about new cultures.


A Closer Look at China

My interest in China grew further after visiting Shenzhen in late 2016, when I was awed by the city's landscape and bustling economy. After my visit, I thought the closest I could ever experience China would've been during my exchange program in Shanghai, and later during my 2 years studying Chinese, but upon hearing about the possibility of staying in China and immersing myself for another 2 years, I knew I couldn't let go of this opportunity. I chose to attend the “Future Leaders” Program because it aligned closest with my personal goals and aspirations, which could provide me with not just a closer look at China but also an international and diverse environment. It was the perfect opportunity showing up at the perfect time for me.

During my time at the “Future Leaders” Program, I was most impressed by how attentive the staff was to all of our needs, especially when we have to learn remotely. They made sure all of our classes at Guanghua were interactive and with good audio and video streaming. I was also extremely impressed by the achievements of my classmates. All of them are outstanding people and are nothing short of the best their respective universities could offer. This program has been full of delightful surprises and has far exceeded the expectations I had prior to its beginning.

Before starting my studies at Guanghua, I already had immersed myself in the culture and improved my understanding of the local people by living in China for 2 years. However, what I did not have, was data. Everything I learned at Guanghua has helped me better structure my understanding of China. Now all the things I had seen in person made more sense: explosive growth and progress everywhere, the difference between the city and the countryside, etc. Almost everything now has an explanation and a palpable reason behind it.

Fulfilling the Dream

of Doing Academic Research

I had always wanted to be a teacher or a professor at some point in my life although academia is not a very rewarding, monetarily speaking, career in Brazil. After my study at PKU, through exchanging with professors and reading academic papers, I’ve grown more and more interested in academic research and made up my mind to pursue this dream of mine. Academia is one of the few fields of work where most, if not all my efforts could be directed towards improving the lives of others, which is something I had always hoped to do. As long as I can conduct quality research, my work could be used to improve society, and there’s nothing else I could wish for more than that. I’ll be applying for master and doctorate programs in the hope of fulfilling my dream in academia and I’ll even be applying for the international PhD program provided by Guanghua. It has been an amazing experience at Guanghua so far when it comes to both academia and the school itself. Continuing to have access to such an environment would honestly be nothing short of a dream coming true.

Online meet-up of 1st cohort “Future Leaders” students and academic advisors

Social Life in a Global Society

While I really enjoy reading books and comics, watching movies, playing ultimate frisbee, traveling and teaching, one of my most unique talents would be my ability to interact with different types of people, with the most varied tastes, hobbies and cultures. This derives from my ability to talk about politics, economics, video games, football, movies, and a plethora of other topics, with people not only from my country but also from different places and cultures. Being able to communicate with most of them given the time and effort is something I’m confident I can do.

This probably stems from constantly moving schools when I was young, interacting with new people, having different interests, and also having lived in China for more than 2 years. When you constantly adapt to new environments, you end up learning how to do it better. Through this process, I not only grew more confidence, but I also gained a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

PKU Guanghua

“Future Leaders” Program

Partnering with 15 of the world's best business schools, the Guanghua School of Management has founded the "Future Leaders" International Undergraduate Double-Degree Program that gives students the opportunity to gain an understanding of their local markets while also immersing them in one of the fastest-growing and most dynamic economies in the world: China. This program will focus on admitting top students with outstanding leadership potential from Peking University and its partner institutions. After completing their first two years of study at the institution in their home country, students will live and study together with classmates of diverse backgrounds from all over the world, including students from China, for two more years as a single cohort at Peking University.








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