Why Guanghua | 寻找在亚洲发展的机会

2020-07-13 20:00 浏览量: 3185


#Why Guanghua# is a special feature on our MBA students' stories with Guanghua School of Management. Edward Li, an experienced Overseas Investment Manager in the Real Estate Industries, has spent his last 4 years in India and Sri Lanka. Realizing that Asia has the biggest potential and most opportunities in future, he joined Guanghua to start a brand new journey.

#Why光华#系列专题访谈旨在分享MBA学生在光华管理学院的故事。Edward Li是房地产行业一位经验丰富的海外投资经理,近四年来一直在印度和斯里兰卡工作。在认识到亚洲未来巨大的发展潜力与机遇后,他毅然决定进入光华,开启人生新的征程。


Edward Li

Hometown:Hong Kong, China

Fun Fact about Yourself:I really sleep a lot.

Previous School and Major:The Education University of Hong Kong, Liberal Studies

Most Recent Employer and Job Title:Country Garden Group, Overseas Investment Manager



先前就读学校及专业:香港教育大学 通识教育

最近从事的工作及职位:碧桂园集团 海外投资经理


Can you give us a brief introduction of yourself?

I graduated from The Education University of Hong Kong in 2015. With the idea that I should explore the world and a lot of passion, I went to India and joined a venture capital. After a year I joined Country Garden investment department. In the beginning, most of my friends told me I definitely will come back after 2 weeks, but instead, I spent almost four years there.

In Country Garden, I worked as an investment manager to look for the rightinvestmentopportunities,including land acquisition, joint-venture and joint-development. Overseas life and work were challenging, but I always tell myself if you put the toughest ahead, the rest of them will be much easier. At the end of 2018, I was in Sri-Lanka, which was the time I started to think about taking one step further to pursue my MBA degree.




How did you enter your industry? What has been the biggest change along the way? What aspects you learned have helped you the most in your career development?

I like tangible things which I can feel and touch. So real estate is a good choice for me. The second year I was in India, I got the chance to join Country Garden investment team. Land investment is very different frommy previous experience --venture capital investment. Both jobs require a lot of people-related work, but you're actually dealing with very different groups of people. Land is always rare and limited, especially in the private land ownership country, so you need a lot of negotiation and balance of bilateral interests behind the modeling and finance feasibility work. You need to find the right opportunity among many options and cooperate with different departments. For me, the most helpful part in this job is to cultivate strong interpersonal skills and ability to build and foster a strong network.




Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far.

In 2017 February, I was told in the morning to transfer to Chennai and be the investment manager in charge; and on the same day, company bought me the flight ticket.

I landed in Chennai at night and went to the hotel, feelinglike an airborne troop who lost the map and the weapon. It was difficult to find a land according to the criteria of the headquarter. Lands more than 10 acres are rare in city or under litigation. The Payment structure is totally different from China. Getting development approvals in Chennai such as different NOCs and building permit are quite difficult and takesextraordinarylong time.

With more local talents joining the team, we finally found the landowner who accepts joint-development, which is a revenue share model and makes us community of interest, so local landowner can help us get the approval and license of development. We worked on deal structure, started due diligence, drafted the term sheet and finalized the 3.38 acres land located in the heart of Chennai.

In May 16th, 2017, I took the landowner's company back to our headquarter and visited many of our projects in Guangdong. The chairman of Country Garden, Mr. Yang Guoqiang met with the chairman of the partner company and signed the agreement. That was our first project signed in south India and the first time I stayed in an Indian cityalone and initiated a project from zero.






What led you to pursue an MBA at this point in your career?

In 2018, I moved to Sri-Lanka to participate in a One Belt One Road project. That was the first time I got involved in a country-level investment project, and I believe in the future, China will play a more important role in the world, and there will be an increasing demand of talents in overseas land business. I need to learn more about my own country and have a systematic business study since my bachelor's degree was not business-related.



What was the key factor(s) that led you to determine on PKU Guanghua instead of other school, and why was it so important to you?

It's related to my future plan. I want to root in Asia where I believe has more opportunities in the future. I was looking for a school which can help me to know more about my own country and develop a global perspective at the same time. Guanghua international MBA class offers English teaching environment, China related topics and cases, the best faculty and resources, and an expansive alumni network both in China and across the world, which fulfills all my needs perfectly.In the end, we all know PKU Guanghua is the best, don’t we?



What was the most challenging part of the admissions process for you?

I revised my application essay many times but I won’t say that’s the most challenging part. I took the flight from India to Beijing in weekend for onsite interview but that’s not the most challenging part either. I would say the video essay, one of the required application materials, was the most challenging part of the admission process. I think it's a very creative and unique way to know about the candidates,a way that is not used by any other business schools I applied for. I know this is the very first chance for Guanghua to see me before the in-person interview, so I put a lot of effort in the video essay. Within the 3-minute video, I talked about the projects I invested in Sri Lanka and India, all the challenges I've went through, and how my life has changed after I moved from Hong Kong to India. Besides, I also included some comments from my superior and colleagues in work. I feel like that 3-minute video was a miniature of my 4-year career life.



Which course/event/activity impressed you the most in your MBA Studies?

There are many inspiring courses in Guanghua which help me to rethink about the problem I faced in my previous work such as the Assets pricing and stock valuation, Management Economic and Organization Behavior, etc, but I think the most impressive one is CDC (Career Development Course), which invites different speakers to talk about different topics. Bysharing their career stories, they provided us with a lot of helpful insights and advice. The course is rich in content and well-covered of different areas, like MBTI test to find out your personality,guidelines of working on your resume and first-hand industry experience shared by different professionals. For me, CDC was not only a learning process but also a self-exploration.



What quality best describes your MBA classmates and why?

They are a group of people with different backgrounds but same open mind who are really supportive. They work hard, and they play hard. The best thing about my MBA class is everyone can share their own thoughts in the class with their own knowledge andexperiencefromdifferent background, making the case discussion more attractive and interesting. In our class, half of the students are international students, and the whole class supports each other not only in the teamwork and group projects but also in daily life.



What do you like to do in your spare time?

Swimming, that’s why I like warm place. Meeting friends and travelling.



Name one person that influences you the most.

My mother.



Describe one of the best days/moments in Guanghua so far:

The welcome show of Guanghua MBA2019, when the whole class got involved in the performance. We had a tight timing for rehearsal but I think we did a great job. I was in the Peking Opera part in the performance, playing Zhaoyun, a “Sheng” male character. There was one spear fight plot between me and my classmate Giovanni who was a “Jing” painted face character, and we practiced many times with the heavy custom. That was the first time I tried Peking Opera and anunforgettable shared memory for the whole class.



What was your defining moment and how did it shape who you are?

The moment I decided to go to India to start my career. I had no idea that in the future four years that decision would make me practice a lot of my cross-cultural communication and problem-solving skills. It alsogave me strong ability to adapt to different living and working environment and encouraged me to be more open-minded when facing difference. I’d like to specially thank my superior Bala who ismy life and work mentor in my previous job and always being so supportive and helpful. Without him, my journey won’t be that great and fruitful.



What’s the plan after graduation?where do you see yourself in ten years?

I asked the same question to my superior in work before who is the investment director and already had his MBA degree. He told me: Ed, the world is changing fast and becoming more and more unpredictable. I even don’t know where I will be in the next 5 years. I haven’t planed that far but I would like to go back to real estate industry like real estate fund or hotel investment after graduation to get more experience and connection and one day I would like to start my own business.


供稿 |Edward Li

特 别 感 谢

出品 | 光华MBA国际事务部


Why光华 | 职业生涯进步的阶梯

Why光华 | 加速发展亚洲事业

因梦而来,携光同行|Why Guanghua


Peking University, Guanghua MBA values the global mindset of our students. All the courses are taught in English to cultivate the cross-cultural communication skills, global leadership and decision-making ability under a multi-cultural background. The program is specially designed for candidates worldwide who aim to work in transnational corporations or international organizations;or those who target at expanding the global market.



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