清华大学讲座预告 | SAP全球高级副总裁Clas Neumann:塑造我们在新全球化时代的成长

2022-08-31 19:54 浏览量: 2539



本次活动邀请到SAP全球高级副总裁Clas Neumann先生,为同学们带来一场题为“塑造我们在新全球化时代的成长”的讲座。



Clas Neumann

Senior Vice President, Head of Global SAP Labs Network

As the Head of Global SAP Labs Network (SLN), Neumann is leading the management and operation of 21 labs across the globe. Under his leadership, the SLN organization has grown significantly and is successfully running as the backbone of the entire R&D value chain in SAP. Today, SAP Labs is ranked among the best employers in most countries and has transformed its business to support global, innovative product development and local business growth alike.Being part of SAP’s Senior Executive Team, Neumann has a 25-year advantageous career in SAP. Neumann has spent years in the fast-growing markets to develop the organization, with more than 18 years in India and China. Neumann has played an instrumental role in SAP’s entry into China, later being considered as the second home for SAP from the corporate strategy perspective. Before his role as Head of SLN, he was the President of SAP Labs India. He held, in addition, the responsibility as Senior Vice President in Software Development with engineering teams in China, Germany, and India. He helped establish this largest R&D Hub of SAP outside of Germany in Bangalore by growing it constantly to its current strength of 10,000+ talented engineers, responsible for various products and solutions of SAP.

Neumann is recognized for his business achievements in Asia, evident through his many invitations to join high-level business circles and associations. At present, he serves as Chairperson of the German Chamber of Commerce East China, a spokesperson in the Asia Pacific Association of German Industries (APA), a board member in the East Asian Association (OAV), and a member of the Indo-German advisory council of the Prime Minister of India and the German Chancellor. Furthermore, he co-authored several books and articles on innovation and business practice in emerging markets.

Neumann holds a Diploma from the University of Applied Science in Ludwigshafen and an MBA degree from INSEAD, Fontainbleau, and Singapore. He lives with his wife and three children in Shanghai, China.


(本文转载自清华大学经济管理学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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