国商廿年|学生代表Yosef Arefi发言

2021-09-29 21:00 浏览量: 2746

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Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

I am Yosef Arefi a senior student of IBS from Afghanistan.

We have come together on this beautiful evening of Sep 25, 2021 to officially launch the commemoration of a significant milestone in the history of the International Business School.

It is my pleasure to be with you today, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the IBS. Over the past two decades, BFSU has firmly established itself as one of the finest progressive universities in the China. IBS has produced generations of bright scholars, including the many of you here. Nowadays, with increasing globalization and the new challenges it brings, internationalization of the student body is almost essential for any mature higher education system. BFSU’s IBS has demonstrated its strength in this area.

We all have heard the phrase that time flies, It is now that i believe it, my time is coming to and end soon and this is my last year in BFSU. And that was because i had a quality and joyful life here. It just feels like yesterday, that i entered the campus for the first time. Having an equipped gym, library, swimming pool and good canteen made life much more easier. And meeting people from different countries and areas with different cultures made the journey more interesting and sweeter.

Studying economics and trade major in Chinese was a big challenge and seemed impossible for me at first, but i was blessed with the best professors and classmates that always assisted and helped me along the way which made the path a lot easier. Downloading PPTS and taking pictures of books and then translating them into English was the story of my life for the first semester. But the environment of BFSU and IBS improved my Chinese in a short period. Soon I was able to understand more and learn more everyday. I realized one of the key and vital part of studying is to know the language, without mastering in language, studying would be very hard. So i focused on studying the Chinese language and use Chinese to communicate with all my friends. Things got easier and finally I had a sigh of relief.

During my three years here in addition to my major, I have learned many new skills like giving speeches, debates, formal interviews and even teaching. They all added to my skill set and help me improve myself. Being part of IBS not only i got familiar with business and economics to highlight an experience would be my Service trade class where we didn’t only study abstract concepts of business but we did in practice, I took part in a trade simulator and we experienced the whole process of buy and sales of good between two international companies, which was very fruitful. I also got to closely witness the Chinese cultures and festivals and participate in it. From making dumplings, to making pottery I experienced them all. I even was lucky enough to be part of BFSU volunteer team to travel to the beautiful city of Yunnan. Seeing the beautiful scenery and seeing the making of silverware was and experience of a life time.

A point that I should mention today is that, I know all of us had a very hard time during the COVID-19. A sudden transition to online classes and staying off campus was unexpected and hard. But the IBS faculty regularly checked up on me and never left me alone, their companionship made me feel like I’m in home. I should thank the faculty and the university to make a suitable studying environment even off campus for us and make things go so smoothly.

At the end I want to express my best wishes to IBS and BFSU I am very happy that I had the chance to be with all of you tonight.

Thank you so much.


大家好!我是国际商学院的一名大四学生Yosef Arefi,来自阿富汗。













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