毕业快乐!Happy Graduation!#翻篇啦!各自努力,下一个篇章再见!

2021-06-09 10:01 浏览量: 6598




It's the GraduationSeason

each year again

Do you have any words

you would like toshare with us?



Today we are very honored to invite Tsolmon from the 2017Fall class to share her feelings about graduation!

Tsolmon来自蒙古的乌兰巴托从乌兰巴托到北京大学四年有太多的回忆了!千言万语一句话:毕业快乐!Tsolmon is from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.From Ulaanbaatar to Beijing,there aresomany memories in the four years of BFSU!A thousand words in one sentence:Happy graduation!




Every beginning is thrilling and interesting; entering university was the new chapter of my life. And this chapter I bet that had the most interesting, fun, crazy experiences in my life. The purpose of life is to gain experience to the utmost, to eagerly reach out and without fear for a newer and richer experience. Whoever asks me what is the best decision of my life was? I would answer it was coming to China to study.



BFSU Library

Due to my keen interest in the field of business, I am studying at the International Business school of BFSU. Before coming to China I have never dreamt that my university life would be this adventurous and interesting.

By studying in Beijing Foreign Studies University I learnt many things and got a lot of new experiences. I experienced a different world opening up to me; excited by the new challenging environment, I excelled academically. I learned that if I tried hard, I could succeed; if I wanted something I can get it.



Meeting with Chinese people, learning the Chinese language is one of the best things in the world. From Chinese people I learnt many good traits: their hardworking attitude, their knowledge, respectful acts, daily routine and keeping their health a priority.

When I first arrived in Beijing, it was so overwhelming to see hardworking people around me, everyday it gave me the motivation to try my best every time. Every time I am fascinated by that how Chinese people’s knowledge and culture are so wide, rich and broad. For me, I do think that there are still many things to learn about Chinese culture and history.



We laughed and kept saying"see u soon".

One of the best experiences I had in my university is that I was a Vice President of the IBS Union. IBS Union is our school’s student association, which helps students to have a good life in our university. Entering a union is not hard, but only the best students can join, who are good in their academic and non-academic things.


Before I worked in the union for 2 years, in my first year I was a member of the External Affairs department, and then in my second year, I was the Head of the Public Relations department. Afterwards, I became a Vice President of the union, by becoming a president it required me to be more confident in myself, enrich my leadership skill, time management skill and adapt to a new environment faster.Our union consists of students who are from all around the world. I always felt honored to lead these young diversified people, always tried my best to lead them with a good example and tried to be a good leader for them.在留学生会的前两年里,第一年我只是对外事务部的一名成员,第二年我成为了公共关系部的负责人。后来,我成为了留学生会的副主席,而成为主席就需要我变得更加自信,要具备超凡的领导能力和时间管理能力,这样才能让我更快地适应新环境。我们的留学生会由来自世界各地的学生组成。我一直觉得十分荣幸能够带领这样一支多元化的学生团队,所以我总是尽自己最大的努力以自身为榜样,努力成为一个合格的领导者。

Had I not seen the Sun,I could have borne the shade.




People always ask me why I am in Union, for them I would always answer:Because I love it.There was a time, which we hold a language partner activity between Chinese and International students.After wrapping up the event successfully, Chinese students showed some positive reviews which include that they made a lot of good International friends. Receiving positive evaluation, improving gratification about this school makes me feel that I am in a right place, and that brings me joy to my life.



And I am so grateful that how Chinese students share their happiness and gratitude with me. You know,making and coming up with an event was always difficult.


My board team consists of 5 different nationalities; they are from Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea and Morocco. When we coming up with an event sometimes we would have met for 6 hours would go back to our home at 1 am. During the meeting we are able to get opinions from many perspectives such as how this event would benefit students, would Chinese students like it, would International students like it, and other stuff. After working so hard in return we only want to see students’ gratitude and happiness in their face. Seeing everyone enjoying our event, we would forget our tiredness.

我们的团队共由 5 个不同国家的学生组成;他们来自印度尼西亚、马来西亚、韩国和摩洛哥。当我们想出一个活动方案时,有时我们会见面讨论6 个小时,然后在凌晨 1 点才回去。开会讨论时,我们可以从很多方面发表不同的意见,比如这个活动对学生有什么好处?中国学生会喜欢吗?留学生会喜欢吗?等等。我们希望通过我们的努力获得回报,而回报就是我们希望看到学生们脸上的快乐和喜悦,看到大家享受我们的活动,这样我们就会不由得忘记所有疲惫。

Besides the Union, I participated in a lot of activities, which hold inside and outside of the school.

I was in the basketball team of my school. Our basketball team consisted of Chinese students mainly, only a few international students. And it was good to get along with Chinese students; moreover, it helped me to enrich my Chinese language. I did take part in many basketball competitions. From this experience, I felt that how Chinese students get along with each other, whoever needs help they willing to help them no matter what.

At the end, I wish the(2017calss)graduates a happy graduation! Life is long, and we will meet each other in the next chapter!



Unforgettable memory of my life in BFSU during the Covid-19

From Jakarta to Beijing, Come back to my Chinese roots

From Ulaanbaatar to Beijing,This is my story of studying in BFSU



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