
2018-08-27 16:00 浏览量: 4185



Haoyuan Ding, Haichao Fan, Shu Lin. “Connect to Trade”,


丁浩员老师与合作者在国际学术期刊发表“Connect to trade”一文,研究了“中国式”制度的特征如何影响中国企业出口。文章构建了一个简单的理论模型,阐述政治关联可能影响企业出口的基本机制,并使用2004 - 2013年中国制造业上市公司数据和中国海关数据,对模型的预测提供了经验证据。


Yijing Lyu, Hong Zhu. “The predictive effects of workplace ostracism on employee attitudes: A job embeddedness perspective”,



It has been contended that ostracism is prevalent in the workplace, and there has been increasing research interest in its potential effects. This paper extends the theoretical framework of workplace ostracism by linking it with affective commitment and intention to leave from the perspective of job embeddedness. Using time-lagged data from China, we apply job embeddedness theory to confirm that workplace ostracism decreases the cultivation of job embeddedness, which in turn undermines affective commitment and induces intention to leave. We also find that intrinsic work motivation strengthens the detrimental effects of workplace ostracism on job embeddedness such that the negative relationship is stronger when intrinsic motivation is high rather than low. We further discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our findings and offer future research directions.


Xuehua Wang, Xiaoyu Wang, Xiang Fang, Qingyun Jiang. “Power distance belief and brand personality evaluations”,



This article explores the influence of power distance belief (PDB) on the evaluations of brand personality traits. It proposes that high PDB polarizes the brand personality evaluations of ingroup and outgroup brands. Specifically, results show that individuals with high PDB tend to evaluate an ingroup brand more positively and an outgroup brand more negatively than those with low PDB do. More importantly, brand social categorization tendency mediates the effect of PDB on brand personality evaluations of ingroup and outgroup brands. Furthermore, we find that temporal distance (near vs. distant buying conditions) moderates the effect of PDB on brand personality evaluations. Theoretical contributions and managerial implications are also discussed.


Rick D. Hachett, An-Chih Wang, Zhijun Chen, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, Jiing-Lih Farh, “Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: A moderated mediation model of leader-member-exchange and subordinates’ gender”, Applied Psychology,2018.

陈志俊老师与合作者在国际学术期刊Applied Psychology发表“Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: A moderated mediation model of leader-member-exchange and subordinates’ gender”一文。以下是论文摘要:

Transformational leadership (TL) enhances follower Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as mediated by leader-member exchange (LMX). However, the strength of the positive associations among TL, LMX and OCB is subject to significant variability. Accordingly, we draw on several theories (self-identity, role congruency, self-concept, and social exchange) to propose that followers gender moderates the relationships between all three of these variables. We argue differences in societal expectations and/or underlying motivation combine to make leadership of lesser importance to OCB among females than males. Using 202 supervisor-subordinate dyads from Taiwan, a moderated mediation model of TL-LMX-OCB, with subordinate gender as a moderator, was tested. As hypothesised, each of the positive associations among TL, LMX and OCB were weaker for females than for males, thus accounting for some of the variability in the strength of the associations typically observed. Relatedly, although LMX fully mediated the TL-OCB relationship in the entire sample, this effect was not observed among female subordinates. Further research is required to assess the degree to which these findings apply beyond the Confucian Asian societal cluster.


刘德鹏,贾良定,刘畅唱,蔡亚华,郑雅琴. 从自利到德行:商业组织的制度逻辑变革研究[J].管理世界,2017(11).

蔡亚华老师与合作者在《管理世界》2017年第11期上发表了《从自利到德行:商业组织的制度逻辑变革研究》一文,研究了根植于自利主义制度逻辑会导致商业组织的“社会脱嵌” 问题。论文认为,以德行制度逻辑替代自利主义制度逻辑, 才是解决该问题的根本之道。为了回答组织如何变革成为德行制度逻辑及其变革过程, 论文构建了一个三层次、 五阶段进程的变革过程模型。德行制度逻辑替代自利主义制度逻辑既是突破、 说服、 扩散、 游说以及稳定 5 个阶段在时间上的推进过程, 同时也是德行的商业实践从商业组织个体到商业组织群体, 再从商业组织群体到整个商业组织场域的层面跃迁过程。具体地,低认知嵌入并具有德行的商业组织在变革的突破阶段, 高结构嵌入商业组织在变革的扩散阶段, 高社会责任感的组织场域行为者在重新制度化、阶段,扮演重要角色。在变革过程中,变革行为者采取包含式而非对抗式的描述方式和集体行动方式将会更容易促进变革过程的顺畅进行。时间推进和空间跃迁的任一过程出现了问题,整个变革过程可能阻滞甚至搁浅。以德行来重构商业组织制度逻辑,是组织与社会共同繁荣的基础。虽然现在尚不存在适宜德行制度逻辑发展的大环境,但是本文认为可以充分发挥企业家、企业、场域层面行为者的积极作用来创建这样一种有益的环境。变革的道路虽然是曲折的,但是我们的研究表明,变革是能够实现的。


葛菲,贺小刚. 生产制造还是资本投资?中国工业企业国际创业资本的流向—基于制度距离的解释[J].管理世界,2017(11).




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