上海交通大学尹海涛:可再生能源的未来发展需要依靠创新 | 教授洞见

2022-07-23 09:50 浏览量: 4518






Let’s welcome professor YIN Hai Tao from Anti College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Professor YIN, great to have you on the show. We start by asking you what are the new trends that we are seeing in renewable energy development herein China.


Prof. YIN:

Thank you very much. I think there are two things that are going to happen in the future. First, we are going to see a very strong growth of renewable investment in China in the next five to ten years. We have already set up an ambitious goal for renewable development. According to the government documents, by 2030, more than 25% of the energy need in China should be fulfilled by non-fossil energy, and more particularly, the generation capacity of solar farms or wind farms is going to reach 1.2 billion KW. Therefore, in the next five to ten years, we are going to see a stronger growth of renewable investment, which is the first trend we are going to observe.

Second, if you ask what the most important challenge is for renewable development ten years ago, the answer would be: it is very expensive. But nowadays renewable energy is cheap. In the future, we must make sure that the electricity generated by solar farms and wind farms can be used by the industrial users or residential users. In other words, what’s more important in the future is to make sure we can integrate the renewable energy into the national grid. Thank you.





That’s interesting. What role do you think renewable energy development to play in ensuring energy security and how effective is it in solving energy shortages?


Prof. YIN:

I think the role that renewable energy would play is very critical. Why is that the case? China is not very rich in energy reserves, and we don’t have much oil or natural gas. If we look at the data, about 70% of the petroleum oil consumed in China is imported from other countries. As for the natural gas, the number is between 40% to 50%. So, in the future if we want to get rid of our reliance on international importation of petroleum oil and natural gas, we don’t have many choices on the table. We have coal in China. But when we use more coal, we are going to have more concerns on global warming, on carbon emission. Basically, the only technologically feasible and commercially viable solution, for the time being, is renewable energy. Therefore, the rapid development of renewable energy is very critical to solve the energy shortage issue in China in the future.

发展新能源对解决中国近期的能源短缺问题至关重要。我这么说的原因在于,数据表明,中国的石油和天然气储存量并不大。以石油为例,中国消费的石油约有70%是从其他国家进口的,天然气则是在40% - 50%,这也是中国能源安全的一个关键挑战。因此,在未来,若想摆脱对国际石油和天然气进口的依赖,我们没有太多的选择。如果大量使用煤炭,会有碳排放、或者全球变暖的担忧。因此,目前唯一在技术上可行、在商业上可行的解决方案是可再生能源。因此,发展新能源对解决中国近期的能源短缺问题至关重要。



Professor YIN, when we talk about this, may be the hardest thing that everyone can think of is how to balance among economic growth, environment conservation, and energy security, especially at a time when the world is faced with energy shortages. So, what are the key points that policy makers must take into consideration to achieve these goals?


Prof. YIN:

I totally agree with you. It’s very important to achieve environmental protection and economic growth at the same time. It’s a critical challenge for human society. That is why we emphasized sustainable development so heavily during the last ten years and will continue to do so many years into the future. Achieving sustainable development is very difficult but it’s a future that everybody desires. We must make efforts. If you ask me for the answer to this challenge, the keyword is “Innovation”, not only technology innovation but also innovations of business models. I trust that if we unite together to make more innovations on technology and business models, we will have a more sustainable future.




Professor YIN, in China’s 14th Five Year Plan, the country has vowed make quick progress and achieve a leap in quality development in the renewable energy industry, what do you think could be the key achievements in this regard?


Prof. YIN:

For this question, I want to get back to a point I mentioned earlier, which is, the critical challenge in the next few years is to integrate the renewable generation into the national grid. And for that purpose, we must do innovation.

The first innovation is technological innovation. To make sure a large-scale integration of renewable energy, we must rely on technology innovation, such as energy storage, smart grid technology, and hydrogen technology. What’s more, we need do some innovation on market trading system, and how we trade electricity on the grid system.

The second one is innovation on business models. Recently, we focused on distributed renewable generation instead of large-scale concentrated renewable generation. We see more examples of combining renewable generation with livestock farming, fishery industry and many others.

If we can achieve these two innovations, I am sure that we will have a high quality of renewable development in the future.







(本文转载自上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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