Ms.Quin SQ Thong

2010-08-12 18:53 浏览量: 2166
  Ms. Quin SQ Thong

  Chief Operating Officer Greater China, DTZ

  Quin SQ Thong is the Chief Operating Officer for Greater China of DTZ; covering China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea.

  In her career, Quin has always maintained a clear focus on improving bottom line through proper business planning and enhancing management controls. In addition, she has supported and shaped processes to improve the quality of decision-making, has had a hands-on roles in re-vamping systems and practices and remains a strong champion for talent management.

  A dedicated mentor for Shanghai University MBA School since 2005, Quin is an ever willing and curious student herself. She describes life as an illuminating journey of discovery and learning, has walked on the road less travelled in Nepal, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Burma, Bhutan, Borneo in quest of learning and cultivating an all-embracing mindset.

  Quin holds an MBA from Australia and is a Chartered Accountant in UK, Malaysia and Hong Kong.


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