
2018-10-13 10:50 浏览量: 4081

MBAChina网讯】2018年9月28日,由上海外国语大学英语学院主办,《今日中国文学》编辑部、美国俄克拉荷马大学“中国文学翻译档案库”、上海外语教育出版社协办的“中国现当代文学在海外的译介与接受”国际研讨会在上海外国语大学成功举办,包括国际知名汉学家葛浩文(Howard Goldblatt)教授在内的130余名海内外中国现当代文学、翻译学、外国语言文学等领域的专家学者济济一堂,探讨中国现当代文学在海外的翻译、传播和接受现状,共商中国现当代文学海外经典化的有效途径。

Hosted by School of English Studies (SES), and co-organized by the editorial board of Chinese Literature Today, Chinese Literature Translation Archive (CLTA) at the University of Oklahoma, and Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, the 2018 International symposium on Translated Chinese Literature and Its Reception Outside China was successfully held in Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) on September 28, 2018. Over 130 experts and scholars from at home and abroad in the studies of modern and contemporary Chinese literature, translation, and foreign languages participated in the symposium. The participants not only had in-depth discussions about the translation, dissemination and reception of modern and contemporary Chinese literature, but also proposed ways of canonizing it in cultures outside of China.


Attendees of the opening ceremony include translators and sinologists Prof. Howard Goldblatt, Prof. Jeffrey C. Kinkley, Prof. Jonathan Stalling, Prof. Sylvia Li-Chun Lin, Prof. TU Xiaofei from Appalachian State University, and Prof. Wang Hongyin, director of the Association for Translation of Chinese Classics. The opening ceremony was hosted by Prof. ZHA Mingjian, dean of SES, SISU. Prof. ZHANG Feng, vice president of SISU, and Prof. Goldblatt delivered opening speeches. The ceremony also witnessed the launching of the Research Center for Modern Chinese Literature Translation.

开幕式结束后,来自美国圣母大学、有“中国现当代文学首席翻译家”之誉的翻译家、汉学家葛浩文教授与其夫人与合作译者林丽君(Sylvia Li-Chun Lin)教授带来了大会主旨发言“忠实的限度”。聚焦“忠实的限度”这一重要翻译伦理主题,他们援引多年阅读与翻译中国现当代小说过程中积累的丰富例证,探讨了究竟该如何看待“译作优于原作”这种评价,“创造性翻译”究竟是违背译者天职的“原罪”,还是翻译中必然存在的现象等具有高度争议性的问题。谈到中西文化交流,葛浩文表示:“译者应当在忠实与可读性的角力中采取抵抗文化同化的立场”。此后,来自美国俄克拉荷马大学的石江山(Jonathan Stalling)教授作为《今日中国文学》的创办者与主编,介绍了“中国文学翻译档案库”的历史渊源,描述了其对翻译研究范式正在产生何种影响,并提出了一种新的研究方法,“行动者网络翻译研究”(Actor-Network-Translation Studies),作为对既有的阐释学与社会学导向的翻译研究方法的一大补充。

After the opening ceremony, Prof. Goldblatt from the University of Notre Dame, known as the “chief translator of modern and contemporary Chinese literature”, and Prof. Sylvia Lin, his wife and collaborator, delivered a keynote speech themed “The Limits of Fidelity”. Focusing on the ethics of translation, the two speakers started with their personal experience in reading and translating modern and contemporary Chinese fictions, calling into question such arguments that a translation should be an improvement on the original. From there, the speakers moved on to the highly contested notion of creative translation: Is it a crime against the trade or is it an inevitable move? Then, the speech returned to the theme of cultural exchanges, underlining the importance for translators to resist domestication. Another highlight of this symposium is the keynote speech delivered by Prof. Stalling from the University of Oklahoma. As the founder and editor in chief of Chinese Literature Today, he introduced the founding of CLTA and its impact on the paradigm of translation studies, and proposed a new methodology — “Actor-Network-Translation-Studies” (ANTS)—complimentary to the existing hermeneutic and sociological approaches to translation studies.


Other keynote speeches included “Translation of Contemporary Literary Works by Shaanxi Authors into English” delivered by Prof. WANG Hongyin from Nankai University, “Significance of the Letters Between the Xia Brothers” by Prof. JI Jin from Soochow University, and “Translation as Collaboration” by Prof. SUN Huijun from SISU. In the afternoon, scholars from over 60 universities participated in six break-out sessions, each focusing on one specific topic: “Chinese Literature as World Literature”, “Paradigm in the Translation and Dissemination of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature”, “Translation and Reception of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Fiction Outside China”, “Translators of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature”, “Agents of Translating Chinese Literature”, and “English Translation of Chinese Poetry, Opera and Essays”.


In the evening, Prof. Goldblatt and Prof. Lin, the pre-eminent husband-and-wife translator team, hosted a roundtable discussion themed “Stories About Literary Translation” with translators, scholars, as well as readers. A few days ago, they also delivered a stimulating lecture entitled “Translation as Collaboration” at the invitation of SES.


Since European missionaries first brought Chinese classics and literary works to the West in the 16th century, the translation of Chinese literature has always been an important part of China’s cultural exchanges with the world. Entering the 21st century, translation scholars worldwide have devoted increased attention to the translation and reception of modern and contemporary Chinese literature overseas. This international symposium demonstrated the efforts made by overseas translators, editors and publishers to promote Chinese literature, facilitated dialogues and discussions and drew lessons from past experience, contributing to the development of translation studies in China and the furtherance of Chinese outbound translation.


(本文转载自上海外国语大学国际工商管理学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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