社会科学与脑科学的交叉研究成果分享 | 盛峰 眼中读脑:识别决策中的损失厌恶

2022-05-20 12:00 浏览量: 2596

5月22日(周日)上午10点,浙江大学管理学院盛峰博士将为大家分享讲座题目:Decomposing loss aversion from gazeallocation and pupil dilation(眼中读脑:识别决策中的损失厌恶)的最新研究。相关研究成果已经发表在国际顶刊《PNAS》。

摘要:Loss-averse decisions, in which one avoids losses at the expense of gains, are highly prevalent. However, the underlying mechanisms remain controversial. The prevailing account highlights a valuation bias that overweighs losses relative to gains, but an alternative view stresses aresponse bias to avoid choices involving potential losses.

Here we couple acomputational process model with eye-tracking and pupillometry to develop a physiologically grounded framework for the decision process leading to accepting or rejecting gambles with equal odds of winning and losing money.

Overall, loss-averse decisions were accompanied by preferential gaze toward losses and increased pupil dilation for accepting gambles. Using our model, we found gazeallocation selectively indexed valuation bias, and pupil dilation selectively indexed response bias.

Finally, we demonstrate that our computational model and physiological biomarkers canidentify distinct types of loss-averse decision makers who would otherwise be indistinguishable using conventional approaches.

Our study provides an integrative framework for the cognitive processes that drive loss-averse decisions and highlights the biological heterogeneity of loss aversion across individuals.



研究成果发表在PNAS、Cerebral Cortex、NeuroImage、Biological Psychology、Social Neuroscience等专业期刊,并得到了《福布斯》等媒体的报道。


(本文转载自南京邮电大学MBA ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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