English-taught Programs Now Open for International Applicants!

2022-01-04 15:52 浏览量: 2627

SIRPA have established a comprehensive English-taught education system. Not only for Chinese students, our courses, advisors and other educational resources are all open for international students to fully use.

Over 60 international students are admitted in our English-taught programs each year, which contributes a big portion of international students at SIRPA and in Fudan University. We are also thrived in hosting degree and non-degree visiting students from more than 20 top universities around the world. It is the variety of these students that makes the campus more dynamic, creative and multi-cultural.

For the upcoming 2022-2023 academic year, SIRPA English-taught programs in International Politics (DPIP), Chinese Politics and Diplomacy (CPD), International Public Policy (IPP), and dual degree program, cooperated with Sciences Po. in Europe and Asia in Global Affairs are now open for international applicants. We welcome you with different nationalities, academic backgrounds and research interests to apply for our programs. It will be more than pleasing to have you joining us in the near future!

Please find more detailed information on our programs below.

You may also visit the official website of International Students Office (ISO), Fudan University for application guidance:

Application portal:





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