
2019-03-19 23:03 浏览量: 3129

为推动制度经济学理论与应用研究在中国的发展,探索制度经济学未来的发展方向,进一步提升中国制度经济学研究的国际化水平,构建中国特色、中国风格、中国话语体系的经济学研究,由山东大学经济研究院、北京大学国家发展研究院、浙江大学经济学院和《经济研究》编辑部共同发起“中国制度经济学论坛”。 “中国制度经济学论坛(2019)”将于11月23—24日在广州举行,由中山大学岭南(大学)学院和《经济研究》编辑部联合举办,现面向海内外公开征文。

  1. 征文选题(主要包括但不限于):制度经济学基本理论;制度与行为分析;制度与经济增长;制度与公司治理和公共治理;中国经济体制改革理论研究;新中国70年制度变迁。

  2. 征文要求:征文须是作者原创的并且未公开发表的作品,符合学术规范。论文使用中文和英文写作均可,中文写作体例请参照《经济研究》已发表论文,英文写作体例请参照《美国经济评论》已发表论文 。

  3. 征文截止日期:2019年10月10日。

  4. 请在此之前向zdjjxnh2019@163.com提交征文电子版,邮件主题请注明“2019年中国制度经济学论坛”字样,附件文件名请采用“第一作者姓名:征文标题”样式;为便于匿名评审和联系,请将作者信息(姓名、工作单位、通讯地址、联系电话、电子信箱等)列于与正文独立的首页。

  5. 论坛将组建评审委员会,对全部征文进行匿名评审。评审委员会将在入选论文中评选出优秀论文,并推荐直接进入《经济研究》匿名审稿流程。

  6. 其他事宜:论坛不收取任何费用,主办方为正式代表提供论坛期间的餐费,并统一为正式代表安排住所,住宿费和交通费自理;论坛主办方不安排接送站

  7. 联系人:李义华 电话:+86-20-84112709





Call for papers:

2019 China Institutional Economics Forum

To promote the research in institutional economic theory and applications in China, explore future research area of institutional economics, further advance the internationalization of institutional economic research in China, and to build up economic research system with Chinese characteristics, Chinese styles and voices from China, School of Economics of Shandong University, National School of Development of Peking University, School of Economics of Zhejiang University, and the editorial department ofEconomic ResearchJournaljointly sponsored theChina Institutional Economics Forum.

The 2019 forum is co-organized by Lingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University and the editorial department ofEconomic Research Journal on November 23-24, 2019 in Guangzhouand now calls for paper submissions from both domestic and international scholars.

  1. Topics of submissions (include but are not limited to):

    Fundamental theories of institutional economics, institutions and behavioral analysis, institutions and economic growth, institutions and corporate governance & public administration, research of Chinese economic system reform, the 70-year evolution of the Chinese economic system.

  2. Submission requirements:

    Submitted papers must be unpublished original research papers following the standard academic norms. Papers can be written in either Chinese or English. Please prepare your Chinese submissions in format requested byEconomic Research Journal(《经济研究》), and English submissions in format requested bythe American Economic Review.

  3. Submission Deadline: October 10th, 2019.

  4. Papers should be sent as email attachments, with the subject line “2019 China Institutional Economics Forum”, and use “First Author’s Name + Paper Title” as the name of your submitted file. For the convenience of anonymous peer review and contact, submitted files should list the author information (including name, affiliation, address and email) on the cover page.

  5. Through an anonymous reviewing process, a scientific committee will select qualified outstanding papers to enter the anonymous reviewing process atEconomic Research Journal(《经济研究》).

  6. The forum does not charge any registration fee. The organizing institution will cover meals during the forum and make hotel reservations for the participants. Participants should pay for their own accommodation costs and the travel costs.

  7. Contact: Yihua Li, Tel: +86-20-84112709Postal Address: Lingnan Administration Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Xingang West Rd 135, Guangzhou, 510275.

Lingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University

Editorial Department ofEconomic Research Journal


编辑:陈菊红 伍秀芳


审核:黄山 陆军


(本文转载自 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

* 文章为作者独立观点,不代表MBAChina立场。采编部邮箱,欢迎交流与合作。



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