【蓝蚂蚁讲坛第22期预告】Simon Fraser University杭州电子科技大学MBA赵斌教授主讲

2019-06-18 15:52 浏览量: 7219


题 目:Error management and Innovation inorganizations


Given the continuous changes in the marketplace, firms need to be innovative in order to remain competitive. There are many ways for firms to maintain or enhance its innovativeness, one of it has to do with error management. There has been increasingly more evidence from both academia and industry suggesting that errors have the potential to stimulate learning and innovation by making people more aware of their actions and their environment. .Also, it is impossible not to encounter errors and setbacks if a firm is looking to be innovative. Oftentimes, failures and errors are an inherent part of innovation, especially when firms explore in “new and unchartered territory”.

Although research has established a link between learning from errors and innovation, important questions remain unanswered: If firms need to learn valuable lessons from previous errors and failures so that they can innovate, how are they supposed to do it? What processes and activities are involved in such learning? How do these processes affect innovation? We aim to address these questions in this paper.


赵斌,拥有新加坡国立大学的硕士学位,加拿大西安大略大学毅伟商学院的博士学位。在Simon Fraser University商学院企业管理系任终身教授,系主任。研究企业管理,授课人力资源管理。她的研究成果曾发表在管理学理论、麻省理工管理探讨、组织行为期刊等世界一流顶级学术期刊杂志。她目前的合作研究项目包括与哈佛商学院和医学院的团队研究差错管理、绩效管理和创新,并是差错管理领域的理论奠基者之一。出国留学前,她曾经在国内商界工作过4年。


(本文转载自杭州电子科技大学管理学院 ,如有侵权请电话联系13810995524)

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