MBA New Vision 64

2021-11-24 17:50 浏览量: 2271

November 28th,2021





Mario E. Quinteros

Introduction of the speaker


- Graduate in Economics 1972 (Buenos Aires, UADE University – five years).

Diplomatic and Professional Activities:

- Appointed to the foreign service of Argentina (1975).

- Africa Department at the Secretariat of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Trade (1975 – 1976).

From 1976 to 1982:

i.Joined a team at Banco de Credito Argentino (private Argentine bank) at the International Trade Promotion department and participated in the upgrading of Columbia Foreign Trade (the trading company of the bank);

ii.Created a foreign trade consulting company (Atitlan S.A.) to assist Argentine firms to develop international business;

iii.Secretary at the Argentine-Central American Chamber of Commerce;

iv.Travelled extensively for business activities throughout Latin America, the United States and Europe.

- In 1984, he created a task group at the Secretariat of Foreign Trade to assist provincial governments in developing international business.

-From 1985-1992,he was theHead of the Argentine Trade Office in Prague (Consejeria Economica Argentina), covering Czechoslovakia and Hungary) .

- In 1993, he work for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Directorate of Export Promotion .

He assisted provincial governments in developing international businessin 1993.

- During 1994 – 1996, he was appointed as the Argentine Embassy in Kuwait (Deputy Chief of Mission).

He was in charge of the Creation of the embassy. Gave assistance to Argentine troops at the UNIKOM mission liaising with other forces participating in the observing mission and the Defence Ministry of Kuwait. Travelled extensively around the countries on the Arab side of the Persian Gulf (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman).

- Argentine Embassy in New Delhi (1997 – 2003).

- Argentine Embassy in Tehran – Charge d’Affaires (2005 – 2010).

- Argentine Embassy in Tehran – Charge d’Affaires (2005 – 2010).

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Export Promotion Directorate (2010).

Participated in the planning and organisation of several presidential visits to foreign countries. Assisted provincial governments in developing international business.

- Argentine General Consulate in Guangzhou – Deputy Consul General (2011 – 2013).

Tasks covered Guangdong, Hainan, Fujian and Guanxi provinces.

- Established Yi Consulting Ltd. – Director (since July 2013).

Advising to Chinese companies and institutions on international business development with Latin American countries;

Introduction of the lecture

China’s companies have now reached a level of quality and innovation that makes, not only possible, but necessary for them to integrate more deeply with international markets, setting up operations and branches abroad; this is, to internationalise.

The presentation has three parts:

- End -



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