【讲座预告】澳大利亚Murdoch University王学群学术报告

2018-12-26 08:53 浏览量: 3984
报告题目:How the evaluability of technology features influence technology feature preferences and subsequent product choice报告人:王学群 高级讲师邀请人:闵庆飞 教授时间及地点:2018年12月27日(周四)9:00-11:00,管经学部D212个人简介:王学群博士,中国籍、信息系统专业、毕业于华盛顿州立大学, 现为澳大利亚莫道克大学 (Murdoch University) 高级讲师(相当于美国系统副教授),信息系统学科负责人(2019起)。目前在国际知名期刊发表论文39篇,其中SSCI/SCI 检索32篇。报告简介:Prior usability assessment research has paid little attention to how product and feature ratings are influenced by the evaluation context. However, the evaluability hypothesis, which guides this study, suggests that the evaluation context is a vital factor in shaping user’s assessments and perceptions about technology features. Specifically, the evaluability hypothesis proposes that technology feature perceptions, and ultimately technology choices, will change when evaluating a single technology in isolation versus when simultaneously comparing more than one. To demonstrate the evaluability hypothesis effect in the context of consumer technology product evaluations, two experiments were conducted. Both studies support the evaluability hypothesis effect, showing that when two IT products are compared, hard-to-evaluate but easy-to-compare features are perceived to be more important and therefore have a larger influence on product preferences. Alternatively, when evaluating a single product in isolation, easy-to-evaluate features are perceived to be more important and therefore have a larger influence on product preferences. Consequently, different product preferences emerge (i.e., preference reversals) in different evaluation contexts. The results demonstrate that this theoretical lens is robust to the technology evaluation context, providing important theoretical and practical insights for technology design, usability assessments, and, ultimately, product acceptance.

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