【学术报告】Bank Liability Structure

2018-10-18 14:04 浏览量: 2486

报告题目Bank Liability Structure

报告人王震宇 教授

邀请人李文立、迟国泰 教授

时间及地点2018年10月22日上午10:00-11:30 管经新大楼B312


We develop a dynamic continuous-time model of optimal bank liability structure thatincorporates liquidity services on deposits, deposit insurance, capital requirement, regulatory closure, and endogenous default. Nesting the classic model of nonfinancial firms as a special case, the model shows how deposits allow an insured bank to maximize its value by combining with nondeposit debt and equity in its liability structure. The model shows that a value-maximizing bank balances between deposits and nondeposit debt so that the endogenous default coincides with the regulatory closure. Such balance maximizes the tax benefit of debt and minimizes the protection for deposits, leading to a leverage higher than the optimal leverage without deposits. Our comparative static analysis shows that the balance between deposits and nondeposit debt is very important in understanding banks’optimal responses to the changes in the business or in the regulation.



王震宇教授的主要研究领域为金融市场、金融机构、衍生品证券、风险管理、投资组合管理和金融计量经济学。他在国际著名刊物如Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, and Management Science等发表多篇论文。他曾获得1994年西部金融学会“美国个人投资者协会”最佳论文奖。王震宇教授曾担任Management Science, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, 和 Quarterly Journal of Finance等学术期刊的编委。王震宇教授的工作在金融的学术界,教育界和实业界都颇有影响。1999年他曾协助美国财政部改革其税收投资项目。他所设计的美联储服务定价方法于2002年被美联储采用。在2007-2009金融危机期间,他直接参与了美联储紧急注资的设计,紧急借贷窗口抵押管理模型的改革,拯救贝尓司駦银行和美国保险集团,以及困难资产恢复资金(TARP)的定价。金融危机以后他也直接影响了美国和国际银行资产新法规。王震宇教授拥有丰富的教学经验,他曾教授本科生、硕士生、和博士生的课程。课程题目包括投资学、金融衍生市场、资产定价理论、金融计量经济学等。他曾获得多项教学奖。王震宇教授拥有明尼苏达大学经济学硕士(1993)及博士学位(1995)。他曾荣获Alfred Sloan博士论文奖学金。


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