以梦为马,不负韶华,毕业十载再出发——International MBA 初体验

2019-07-12 00:00 浏览量: 2688

International MBA 初体验

7月6日,当清晨的第一缕阳光照进农大的校园,当我再次背起书包走进这所百年老校,心情和以往是大不相同的。没有了提面时的紧张青涩,告别了考场的挥汗如雨,今天,我终于可以以一名学子的身份走进农大的校园。我默默的对自己说,农大,我来了;MBA,come on。


为了让大家彼此有更深层次的了解,上午的课安排了“Orientation”,由金发白肤的美国老外Peter老师授课。课程伊始,大家还是严肃和拘谨的,但是几轮下来就被Perter原生态的美式幽默和夸张的形体动作所击败,很快就进入了Peter节奏。在Peter一句又一句“Don't be shy”的鼓励下,每个同学都上台进行了自我介绍,频频脱口而出的金句和偶尔让Peter一脸茫然的中式英语使得整个课堂气氛轻松而又愉快。我也因为口语较差,非常荣幸的被Peter“拎”上台做示范,在频繁被纠正发音错误后还得到了Peter “very clever” 的称赞,也是有些汗颜。最后Peter告诉我们,在他的课上不会有人因为发音不标准而遭到嘲笑,“We are a team”,号召同学们互相帮助共同进步,顿时被感动的泪流满面,信心满满,大爱peter,大爱农大。

下午的授课由Tony老师讲授“Critical Thinking”,课程一开始大家便对Tony老师的身份和祖源进行了猜测和讨论,当得知Tony三代扎根于美国,以及大摩合伙人、创业公司高市值被并购的惊人履历后,膜拜感顿时油然而生。在课堂上,Tony老师提出的“Thinking about your thinking”的说法引发了同学们深刻的思考,关于高盛和麦肯锡“policy difference”的分组讨论更是将课堂气氛推向了高潮。Tony老师渊博的学识和丰富的专业知识让我们受益良多,虽初步但深刻的感受到了MBA独特的魅力。

早8晚10的课程安排是非常紧凑密集的,也是非常考验体力的,但轻松的课堂气氛、愉快的互动交流,确实让我们感受到了2018级学长言及的“How time flies”的感觉,也从中初步触碰到了工商管理的冰山一角。相遇,是最初的约定,也是崭新的开始,而今路已开启,而梦就在前方,愿我们不负时光不负农大,拥有一段美好的年华。

My first MBA lesson in CAU

Filled with joy andexcitement,I stepped into the campus of CAU on July 6thand took my first MBA lesson - the soft skillstrainingworkshop of international program. WhenI entered the classroom, Imet some fresh faces, followed byPeter, a humorousAmerican lecturer.

The first session of the soft skillstraining is public speaking. We started bytalking about why we choose studying MBA program and the skillssenior executive should be equipped with. After learning some important concepts, we madeour ‘debut’ in front of others.Each student went onto the stage to introduce herself/himself. In the meantimeI made the acquaintance of friends from different industries.

In the afternoon, we joined the class of another lecturer,Tony. He always humorously describes himself as a monkey owing to his exaggerated facial expression and gesture, which is definitely an effective way to draw our attention, making learning a pleasant and easierexperience. Inhis class, we grasped a lot of methods ofcritical thinking, and had a full discussionin“what /where/why/when/how” aspects.

After dinner, we analyzedacase studyof “Jaguar”. Tony raised many questions about the case and ledus to think deeplyfrom a global perspective. To our surprise, he ended the class with a gift to us, which is anelectronic copyof learning materials forbusiness, finance, and economics.

Though tired, I enjoyed the timewith my lovely teachers and intelligentclassmates.

中文/2019级国际班 孟繁伟

英文/2019级国际班 夏培智



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