
2011-06-28 16:16 浏览量: 853



  MBA英语写作经常是困扰MBA考生的一个障碍,且是他们容易丢分的一个项目。在MBA联考英文考试中,作文的分数为20分, 占总分的20%。上海华宏MBA培训中心周老师从历年英文考试的实际情况看,MBA考生的英语作文相对于英语考试的其他几个部分,得分一直偏低。经过观察、分析和研究,我们认为广大考生在这一方面的困扰主要源于他们在英文写作的认知上存在明显的误区以及由此带来的心理障碍,这种认识上的偏差和心理上的障碍严重地妨碍了他们写作水平的提高。在不少人看来,写作是一种深不可测的智力活动,他们认为写作一定就是灵感的产物,或是将要说的话变成书面的东西。华宏MBA周老师说基于这种认识,再加上对英语语言无把握,考生在时间和心理压力很大的情况下进行英文写作时,经常会显得手足无措。




  3.道地:how much Chinglish

  【Sample 1】

  a. Reading makes us happy.

  b. Reading is a major source of human happiness.

  c. There is no doubt that reading is a major source of human happiness.

  【Sample 2】

  a. The Internet is very important in our lives and work.

  b. The Internet is playing an increasingly important role in practically every aspect of our lives and work.

  c. It is obvious that the Internet is playing an increasingly important role in practically every aspect of our lives and work.


  1. Many rivers are so seriously polluted that there is no fish nor clean water can be found.

  2. Teachers play such an important role in education that their social status should be improved.

  3. She spent much less time studying than before, which is quite typical of senior students.

  4. In many IT companies where people work mainly with their brains, more attention must be given to sports

  5. One essential difference between those who succeed and those who fail is the extent to which they take advantage of opportunities rather than the number of opportunities.

  6. Teenagers, pressured by school] work and encouraged by their peers, often resort to smoking like adults, though they feel a little guilty at times.

  7. Nuclear plants are a clean and economical way of producing vast amounts of much-needed energy, though people, especially local residents, who are very concerned about safety, hold a strong negative attitude toward them.

  8. Despite soaring tuition fees and room-and-board charges, getting their children into college continues to be the goal of millions of Chinese people who think higher education will bring them a good job.

  9. The US fast-food business, one of the most advanced in the world, has brought China benefits that go beyond providing consumers with more choice.

  10-a. The pressure of land is forcing more homes to be built on the land once covered with trees and farmland.

  10-b. Natural vegetation and even farmland is removed to make room for more houses due to the scarcity of land.

  Directions: Learn to develop.

  Living in city center is becoming is becoming not attractive. The first reason is that the house price keeps increasing, so more and more people can’t buy apartment house in the city center and have to move to the suburbs. The second reason is that the city is full of traffic, it is noisy and dirty.


  It is obvious that living in the city center is becoming less attractive. For one thing, the soaring prices of housing in the city centers force more and more people to move to the suburbs, as they cannot afford to live in downtown. For another, the city centers – now full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, and torn by the roar of buses and lorries – are increasingly perceived as undesirable in the eyes of working people.


  1. 在迅速发展的市场经济中,许多人都迫不急待地想发财致富,甚至会不惜以牺牲职业道德为代价来赚钱。(fortune, at the cost of, sacrifice)

  1. With the rapid development of market economy, many people cannot wait to make a fortune, and will even do so at the cost of giving up work ethics.

  2. 这些做法不仅伤害了消费者的信心和社会利益,同时也损害了企业自己的形象,从长远来看会减少它们的市场份额。(deeds, welfare, enterprises, image, share, in the long run)

  2. These practices/deeds not only harm customers’ confidence and social welfare, but also destroy the enterprises’ own image and decrease their market share in the long run.

  3. 根据我的观点,应该采取行之有效的措施以便鼓励自愿无偿献血。首先,应该开展一个全国性的教育运动以便传播无偿献血的必要性和知识。此外,应该确立相应的法律来保护那些献血的人。只有以这种方法我们才能创造一个和谐和健康的社会。(voluntary, donation, campaign, launch, harmonious)

  3. In my view, effective measures should be taken to encourage free/voluntary blood donation. First of all, a nation-wide education campaign should be launched to spread the necessity and knowledge of free blood donation. Besides, laws should be set up to protect those who donate blood. Only in this way can we create a harmonious and healthy society.

  4. 如同上面的柱状图所明确显示的一样,中国新生儿男女比例(116.9:100)远远高于国际认同的最高警戒线(107:100),在中国的一些地区,该比例甚至达到了150:100。图中的统计数字反映了一个严峻的现实,应该引起全社会的关注。(apparently, reveal, ratio, alert, statistics, grim, concern)

  4. As is apparently revealed in the bar chart above, the sex ratio of new-born babies in China (116.9 : 100) is much higher than that of the internationally accepted alert line(107: 100).  In some parts of China, the ratio has even reached 150: 100. The statistics reflect a grim reality, which should arouse our social concern.

  5. 如同上面的圆饼图所明确揭示的一样,诚信和工作经验是大多数工作单位对大学毕业生和普通员工的两个主要素质要求。这个事实发人深省并且值得讨论,因为目前劳动市场的竞争比以往任何时候都更加激烈。(credibility, requirement, thought-provoking, fierce)

  5. As is apparently revealed in the pie charts above, credibility and working experience are the twin leading quality requirements for college graduates and ordinary working staff by most working units. The very fact is most thought-provoking and worth discussing with the competition in labor market getting more fierce than ever before.

  6. 上面图表的深层含义可以被简述如下。首先,重要的是我们应该对我们星球有更深刻的理解并且逐步树立保护我们生存环境的意识。一些自然灾害是人类的错误行为所造成的,例如对森林的无情破坏,过量排放氧化物以及过度开采地球,这一切均破坏了生态平衡。此外,必要的是我们应该认识到科学的预警机制和应急机制的重要性。由于各种自然的灾害比以往任何时候都更加频繁地出现,建立这两个机制注定在拯救人类生命和财产方面发挥决定性的作用。总之,更好的理解人类与我们星球之间的关系以及建立有效的预警和应急机制具有重要意义。(imperative, awareness, disaster, misconduct, excessive, exploitation, ecological, emergency rescue, decisive, )

  6. The implied meaning of the table above can be briefly stated as follows. To begin with, it is imperative that we should have a better understanding of our planet and build up the sense/awareness of protecting our living environment.  Some of the natural disasters simply result from human misconducts, such as the relentless destruction of forests, excessive discharge of dioxide, and over-exploitation of the earth, which spoil the ecological balance. What’s more, it is quite necessary that we should realize the importance of a scientific warning system and an emergency rescue system. With the natural disasters of various kinds cropping up more frequently than ever before, the establishment of such systems is bound to play a decisive role in saving human lives and properties. In sum, a better understanding of the relationship between human beings and our planet and the building-up of a sound warning system and emergency rescue system are of great importance.

  7. 中国已经经历了、而且正在经历一个繁荣的经济发展,许多公司如雨后春笋般拔地而起。而人们也抛弃了过去那种一生只做一份工作的根深蒂固的观念,更换工作变得像家常便饭一样普通。于是也出现了一系列的问题,包括员工们如何坚持职业道德、保守机构秘密等。一些人得到新的工作仅仅是因为他们掌握了很多情报,另一些人也许在无意中就泄露了机密信息。这两种行为都会导致不公平的竞争、并且严重影响经济秩序的良好运行。

  (prosperous, boom, mushroom, deep-rooted, a series of, emerge, stick to, intelligence, unconsciously, reveal, well-functioning)

  7. As China has experienced, and is experiencing, a prosperous economic boom with numerous companies mushrooming, people start to throw away the deep-rooted thought that one should keep a single job as a life-long pursuit. Instead, job hopping has become as common as daily meals. A series of problems thus emerge, including how employees stick to their occupational discipline to keep secrets of different organizations. Some people are offered a new position merely for the intelligence they command, while others might reveal confidential information unconsciously. Their behavior leads to unfair competition and damages the otherwise well-functioning economic order.

  8. 我认为必须采取有效的措施来结束这种现象。首先, 我们应该在各行各业内大力宣扬社会责任和职业道德。其次,应该制定和执行严格的规定, 严惩那些忽视食品安全的个人和企业。只有通过政府和社会的共同努力,我们才能创造一个和谐和有序的社会。

  (measures, put an end to, advocate, ethics, regulations, enact, enforce, neglect, combined, harmonious, orderly)

  8. I maintain that effective measures must be taken to put an end to this phenomenon. Firstly, we    need to advocate social responsibility and professional ethics in every field. Secondly, strict regulations should be enacted and enforced to impose punishment on those individuals and businesses who neglect food safety. Only through the combined efforts of government and society can we create a harmonious and orderly society.





  There is no doubt that today we are under constant pressure to work long hours, to produce more, to possess more, and to become a success. Workaholism, a modern addiction, has thus arisen. The cause of workaholism is the perception that by working longer hours and completing more projects, we will enhance our self-worth.

  Mary women today feel the same stress to produce and get ahead and, at the same time, to nurture/bring up/raise their offspring and shoulder a variety of domestic responsibilities.

  Research show that workaholism tends to distance us from our immediate families. It forces/compels us to labor longer and longer hours, leaving a very small amount of/a minute fraction of time to be physically and emotionally available to our loved ones. Intimacy among family members is certain/doomed to die in the process.


  更有效的解决方式或许在于去理解这一问题,  而不是回避这一问题。




  A more successful remedy/solution may lie in understanding the problem rather than evading it.

  Before the industrial revolution, people lived in small communities where communication was not convenient. Within the confines of their village, they could reasonably expect to know everything that there was to be known, see everything that there was to be seen, and do everything that there was to be done.

  Today, being curious by nature, we are still trying to do the same. But the global village is a world of limitless possibilities, and we can never achieve our aim.

  It is not more time we need: it is fewer desires. We need to switch off our cell-phone and leave the children to play by themselves. We need to buy less, read less and travel less. We need to set boundaries about what to do and what not to do for ourselves, or we will be doomed to mounting despair.


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