2018CMIC营销盛会分会场预告 · 第六辑 | 娱乐营销分会

  • 张老师
  • 400 600 9288
  • 2018-07-22 13:30 至 2018-07-22 17:00
  • 大会现场通知

  【MBA中国网讯】华人学者营销协会第六届中国市场营销国际学术年会(China Marketing International Conference 2018 )将于2018年7月20-22日在上海财经大学举行。




  第六辑 娱乐营销分会

  时间:7月22日 下午13:30-15:00,15:30-17:00


  分会主席:Natasha Zhang Foutz(弗吉尼亚大学)




  吴春华现任不列颠哥伦比亚大学尚德商学院营销与行为科学助理教授,营销学Finning Junior Professorship成员。他于圣路易斯华盛顿大学奥林商学院取得工商管理博士学位,于复旦大学管理学院取得学士学位。








  孙教授的研究方向包括:quantitative marketing、消费者学习以及卫生经济学。他的研究发表在Journal of Marketing Research、Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization、Journal of Regulatory Economics以及Health Economics等期刊上。




  Act Global, Protect Local: Hollywood movies in China

  Chunhua Wu (Presenter),

  with Chuck Weinberg

  and Jason Ho

  Movies are among the US’s most successful exports, and China is by far the largest market. China welcomes high-quality US movies in order to grow its own theatrical market, while also diligently protecting locally produced movies. This paper evaluates the relative impact of these dual motives. China is known to limit the number of foreign movies, half of which are delayed beyond the US release date by four or more weeks. We empirically study the Chinese government’s import decisions using Chinese market data and develop a movie market demand model, along with two models on simultaneous and delayed-releases where we consider release timing as an implicit trade control. We find that China prefers to import US movies with relatively high production budgets but limits them when the potential cannibalization effect from US blockbusters is high and when the market share of local movies is relatively low. Delayed-releases of US movies are strongly associated with weaker box-office performance in China, making control of release schedule another vehicle that China leverages in import decisions.


  Visual Listening In: Extracting Brand Image Portrayed on Social Media

  Liu Liu (Presenter),

  with Daria Dzyabura

  and Natalie Mizik

  Marketing academics and practitioners recognize the importance of monitoring consumer online conversations about brands. The focus so far has been on user generated content in the form of text. However, images are on their way to surpassing text as the medium of choice for social conversations. In these images, consumers often tag brands. We propose a “visual listening in” approach to measuring how brands are portrayed on social media (Instagram) by mining visual content posted by users, and show what insights brand managers can gather from social media by using this approach. Our approach consists of two stages. We first use two supervised machine learning methods, traditional support vector machine classifiers and deep convolutional neural networks, to measure brand attributes (glamorous, rugged, healthy, fun) from images. We then apply the classifiers to brand-related images posted on social media to measure what consumers are visually communicating about brands. We study 56 brands in the apparel and beverages categories, and compare their portrayal in consumer-created images with images on the firm’s official Instagram account, as well as with consumer brand perceptions measured in a national brand survey. Although the three measures exhibit convergent validity, we find key differences between how consumers and firms portray the brands on visual social media, and how the average consumer perceives the brands.


  The Effects of Movie Title Translation on International Box Office Performance: Evidence from Hollywood Movies in China

  Qi Sun (Presenter),

  with Weihe Gao,

  Ji Li,

  and Yong Liu

  Abstract: International markets are a significant revenue source for movie studios. Similar to brand name decisions in general, a major task in marketing movies internationally is to translate the original movie title into foreign languages. In this study, we investigate the effects of title translation on movie box office revenue in international markets by studying Hollywood movies exhibited in the Chinese market from 2011 to 2016. Based on research in linguistics, we categorize the movie title translations into either direct (e.g., the Chinese title of the movie Madagascar is the literal translation of “Madagascar” into Chinese) or modified (e.g., the Chinese title of the movie Home is Crazy Aliens). Our analysis shows that these translation approaches have very different impacts on box office revenue. Through a connection effect, direct translation leads to higher sales in China for movies that have better quality signals such as higher box office revenue in the U.S. However, through a content effect, modified translation benefits the sales of movies that are more content-driven or have more culture-specific elements, such as drama, comedy, musical, and Western movies. In addition to contributing to the literature on movie and entertainment marketing, this study sheds light on branding strategies in international markets.




  创新精英文化经纪有限公司(CreativeArtistsAgency,简称CAA)成立于1975年,总部位于洛杉矶,办公室遍布全球,已成为世界级的娱乐与体育经纪公司。CAA代理许多从事电影、电视、音乐、戏剧、游戏、体育和数字内容的成功专业人士,并为企业客户提供一系列战略营销和咨询服务。比如在电影领域CAA拥有显赫成绩,其签约的演员和导演参与的影片都获得出色的票房成绩,过去5年CAA客户获得的奥斯卡,超过其他经经纪公司的加总,影史中最卖座的10部电影中就有7部是由CAA客户所拍摄的。公司还有优秀的制片人、编剧等,更有融资部门向众多的投资人和制作方提供咨询及整合服务,5年时间,CAA就帮助了超过160部剧情片的资金安排和发行事务。CAA于2005年开设中国办公室,成功开展综合性娱乐业务。在过去10多年间,CAA深度参与了几乎所有主要的中美合作电影,并为超过75部中文电影进行了组盘、销售或融资。迄今,CAA已帮助来自中国的资金在英语内容上投资了超过5亿美元。CAA中国由创新精英文化经纪公司(CreativeArtistsAgency,简称“CAA”)与中国领先的专注于文娱、科技、消费三大领域的投资基金华人文化产业投资基金 (CMCCapitalPartners,简称“CMC”)于2017年4月在中国合资创立。CAA中国由CAA控股,集合CAA在演艺与体育领域的强大资源与经验以及华人文化在大中华地区的庞大网络与人脉,成为世界级媒介与娱乐平台。


  李川是CMC Capital Partners的董事总经理。在他25年的职业生涯中,从事了包括工程、营销和金融在内的行业。他曾是百视通的CFO、移数通电讯的CFO、UT斯达康的投资董事、Canon Virginia 的工程部经理。李川曾于沃尔顿商学院取得MBA学位,于弗吉尼亚大学取得电气工程硕士学位,于上海交通大学取得应用物理学士学位。



  李湘是CBNData高级数据分析师, 毕业于纽约大学,擅长消费品领域行业研究及消费者洞察, 拥有丰富的行业研究经验及扎实的数据分析能力,长期关注零售快消相关消费领域,并将传统市场研究理论与大数据分析方法结合起来,发掘消费数据背后的商业价值,深入洞察和刻画消费者偏好及行为特征。




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